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我相信在居中圣玛利亚。I do believe in the intercession of Holy Mary.

他的调解可能会帮上该部落的忙。His intercession could be of help to the tribe.

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是的,代祷是工作,但是它有天国的赏赐。Yes, intercession is work, but it has heavenly rewards.

我们如何能激发起代祷的灵?And what can we do to stir up the spirit of intercession?

她说她的婚姻不需要仲裁。She said she did not need intercession about her marriage.

你是否有一个你向神祷告代求的地方?Do you have a place where you offer intercession before God?

为什麽上帝的应许需要代祷者来实现?Why do the promises of God need intercession to be fulfilled?

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由于老仆沙威里奇的求情,彼得被普加乔夫赦免了。Peter, at the intercession of old savelitch, was spared by pougatcheff.

代祷能使你感觉需要更深的敬拜。Intercession will lead to the feeling of the need of a deeper adoration.

我们极少发现有人想到该为着四周的人代祷。The thought of intercession for those around us is all too seldom found.

经调解达成的调解协议具有准司法文书的效力。The achieved agreement after intercession is as valid as the quasi-judicial writ.

我们祈求主重整祷告运动与代求能重回祂的城市。We asked the Lord to realign the prayer movement and intercession back to His city.

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想到我们的救赎主永不停止为我们代求,是何等的鼓舞啊!How encouraging is the thought of the Redeemer's never- ceasing intercession for us.

保罗二世的宣福礼意味着他在为人代祷中已经行了一次神迹。John Paul's beatification means he has had a miracle attributed to his intercession.

不想被忽列,我就在代祷最高峰的那一刻走上台去。Not wanting to be left behind, I went to the stage during the height of intercession.

是指一般的祈求,而「代求」则是代表某人向神祈求。"Prayers" could suggest general petitions while "intercession" is asking on behalf of another.

但愿所有的信徒及传道人能同心合意地为着全地的人代祷。Let Christians and ministers agree and bind themselves together for this worldwide intercession.

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这些崇拜尤其地采用为她的儿子耶稣基督的代祷方式。This veneration especially takes the form of prayer for intercession with her Son, Jesus Christ.

当我为着别人而将自己当作祭物献给神时,我的代求将成为我的荣耀和喜乐。Intercession will become my glory and my joy when I give myself as a sacrifice to God for others.

通过神的母亲的代祷,它向我启示录所有的异端会消失。It was revealed to me that through the intercession of the Mother of God, all heresies will disappear.