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这才是永生所导致的真正糟糕的结果。This is the true awfulness of immortality.

在你看来,性冲动和性爱也包括在这种不快里面吗?In your view, does this awfulness include eroticism and love?

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他的疯癫的反现实的艺术比从可靠的来源得来的平凡的有威严的消息更能引起我们的兴趣。His lunatic counterfactual art is more appealing than the banal awfulness of the Reliable Sources.

女王与渔夫在圣福兰的码头在那里是我曾经看见了的最可怕的旅游陷井,在就上面。Queen is the awfulness tourist trap I've ever seen right up there with fisherman's wharf in san fran.

发言人常常参照猛虎组织的丑恶行为来为政府的可耻行径开释。Spokesmen often justify the government's murky behaviour by reference to the awfulness of the Tigers.

因为他们没有真正的理解生命的真谛,因为生命本身就是一个漫长的历程,也包括所有的不快。Because they haven't really got to know life, because life also means a long life, with all of its awfulness.

统机制在定义软件项目目标上表现出来的尴尬。Rather, it's the demonstrated awfulness of conventional mechanisms for defining the goals of software projects.

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沐浴着湿润与和谐的水边小城,蓬勃着人性中的庄严、率真、善良、虔诚的一面。The human awfulness , frankness, kindness and devotion are flourished in the waterside city, which is bathed in wetness and harmonious.

有几次当场上的形势更有利于双方球队进攻时,他却很少能做出公平的判定,而是中止比赛判罚任意球。He was at least even-handed in his awfulness giving free kicks to both teams on several occasions when they had a real advantage to play.

眼睛盯着十字架的基督徒,清楚十字架的可怕,也会特别了解无辜痛苦的可怕。Christians whose eyes are fixed on the awfulness of crucifixion are in a special position to understand the awfulness of innocent suffering.

我承认,古坎德最初的一些小说还称得上是有趣的,但这种趣味性早就在他那彻底严肃化的写作中消失殆尽。I admit, Goodkind's first few novel was kind of entertaining, but the entertainment was lost behind the sheer awfulness of the man's writing.

他在白茫茫的河水中害怕地畏缩着,似乎旷野正以压倒一切的力量逼迫着他。摆出一副得意的架势,残忍地摧残着他。He cowered in the midst of the milky water, as though the vastness were pressing in upon him with overwhelming force, brutally crushing him with its complacent awfulness.

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此刻,在图申看见威严的首长们时,他才想到自己的过失和耻辱,因为他失掉两门大炮,竟然还活着。Only now in the presence of the angry-looking commander, Tushin conceived in all its awfulness the crime and disgrace of his being still alive when he had lost two cannons.

它就象白昼一般清晰地勾勒出街上熟悉的景色,但也乎添了那种由不寻常的光线照到熟悉的物体上总要产生的可怕印象。It showed the familiar scene of the street, with the distinctness of mid-day, but also with the awfulness that is always imparted to familiar objects by an unaccustomed light.

他们脱离了调侃与解构,在追求一种崇高与庄严的宗教感,也许唯有宗教般的虔诚才能离艺术近一些。They are far away from jest and deconstruction, they are yearning, yearning for the kind of religion full of elevation and awfulness , maybe just the piety is a little near to art.

另外由于这种堕落,远远不及麦克白在最后几个小时那般可怕,我们也就不会产生那么多的遗憾之情了。On the other hand, since the fall has not been nearly so great, our pity that the fall should have occurred at all is attenuated, compared with the awfulness of the last hours of Macbeth.