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脆饼干是一种薄的、松脆的饼干。Shortbread is a short crumbly cookie.

其纹理不同于一般的脆饼。Its texture is different from regular shortbread.

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这里还有点饼干和自己家做的蛋糕。Here are some shortbread and some home-made cakes.

这个酥饼因其脆脆的表面和纹理而得名。Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture.

黄油酥饼毫无意外地是苏格兰人民的最爱。Unsurprisingly, shortbread is the top choice in Scotland.

这些脆饼乾参杂了莞豆在其中,还在上面撒上许多糖粉!These shortbread cookies have Qando in the middle and sprinkles on top!

我给你做了点,嗯,奶油饼干,你很喜欢吃的。I made you some of those, uh, shortbread biscuits that you like so much.

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这是一种油酥饼干,面饼中混合了白或者桃红葡萄酒和香草糖。It is a shortbread biscuit made from white or rosé wine and vanilla sugar.

浓郁的巧克力布丁,脆酥饼底,配上新鲜奶油。Rich chocolate pudding, crunchy shortbread crust, topped with fresh whip cream.

但是,有一些涉及科学和我在这里告诉你有关的科学和历史的脆饼。But, there is some science involved and I'm here to tell you about the science and history of shortbread.

在第一年的经营过程中,约瑟夫无时无刻不在寻求最完美的饼干配料及制作方法。In the first year of business, Joseph used every spare moment to perfect his shortbread recipe, and it was time well spent.

你知道,有趣的事情对所有这一切都学习如何让完美的脆饼的是,我从来没有真正的训练。You know, the funny thing about all of this learning how to make the perfect shortbread is that I never had any real training.

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在讲座开始前,他和劳拉·阿申利品牌美国代理公司的两个人一起站着喝葡萄酒,吃小点心。Before the talk, he stood drinking wine and eating shortbread with a pair of men who had been American licensees of Laura Ashley.

那时,我在澳大利亚的一间咖啡厅要了份脆饼三明治,有柠檬和西番莲的味道,至今我还是无法忘记它。I was sitting in a cafe in Australia when I ordered this shortbread sandwich. It was lemon and passionfruit and I've never forgotten it.

如果你喜欢甜食,有一些很小的替代品来替代我们最爱的巧克力片,奶油脆饼和字母饼干。If you've got a sweet tooth, there are miniature substitutes for our favorite chocolate chip, cream-filled, shortbread and alphabet cookies.

该酱米酥呈淡黄色,通常为长方体,外型美观。该酱米酥品味香甜、可口,酥脆化渣,营养丰富。The sauced rice shortbread in the invention is faint yellow and cuboid, has elegant appearance, is luscious and tasty and crisp, and has enriched nutrition.

布卢门撒尔的辣味跳跳糖巧克力挞是为韦特罗斯特别制作的,它在榛子脆饼上配有橙味的巧克力甘那须。Blumenthal's Spiced Popping Candy Chocolate Tart was created especially for Waitrose, and features a hazelnut shortbread base with orange chocolate ganache on top.

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例如,当你想要健康点却发现你依然吃着薯片和酥饼等不良食物,你要尽你所能戒除。For example, if you find eating crisps and shortbread biscuits a negative thing when you’re trying to get healthy but are still eating it, you’re really inhibiting how well your body could do.

在严格的品质管控下,安全卫生,值得信赖。如此出色的食品,您一定要亲自尝一尝,请立即与我们联络!Under the strict quality control, hygiene and good taste are our unique features. As an outstanding manufacturer of shortbread , you must tast our products personally. Please contact us right away!

民主党总统候选人、伊利诺伊州参议员巴拉克•奥巴马的夫人米歇尔•奥巴马提交的参赛作品是柠檬柑橘口味的奶油甜酥饼,她还大胆地在其中加入了意大利苦杏酒。Instead, Michelle Obama, wife of Democratic Illinois Senator Barack Obama, has put forward a recipe for shortbread cookies with zest of lemon and orange, and a cheeky kick of almond liqueur Amaretto.