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只有特权阶层才有自行车。Only the privileged had bicycles.

他们有特权进入,”斯奈德解释道。They have privileged access, " explained Snyder.

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进入美国的灵魂深处进行一次特许的旅游。to a privileged tour into the inner soul of America.

我非常荣幸能够参加美中国际举办的这次教育展。I am very privileged to attend this event held by GID.

所以公正神圣,至高,且享有特权。So justice, it is sacred. It's prior. It's privileged.

她们就是,你知道,她们有特权,又幸运,They just, you know, they're privileged and they're lucky

和盖茨一样,朱克伯格也拥有优越的家庭背景。Like Gates, Zuckerberg comes from a privileged background.

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他们基本上是一些非常有钱有势的精英。They were, by and large, a very wealthy, privileged elite.

对系统管理员和特殊权限用户更要小心。Use extra caution with system admins and privileged users.

我能在你心中占有一席之地使我感到深为荣幸。Deeply did I feel privileged in having a place in your heart.

作为家中的独女,春梅多年来都受到呵护备至。Being an only daughter, Chun-mei was privileged in many years.

交换器组态模式是经由特权执行模式进入的。Switch configuration mode is entered from Privileged EXEC mode.

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应该有人为我们社会中较不幸的人说说话了。It's time someone spoke up for the less privileged in our society.

今晚有多布斯参议员光临,我们感到十分荣幸。We are very privileged to have senator dobbs with us this evening.

芮成刚出生在1977年,他是拥有更多特权的一代人中的一员。Born in 1977, Mr. Rui is a member of this more privileged generation.

媒体不再为少数拥有特权的大型媒体机构所控制。Media is no longer controlled by the privileged few large media houses.

是什么原因驱使这些原本属于上流社会的青年做出了如此恶劣的选择?So what drives privileged or seemingly virtuous people to do bad things?

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我于1995年初次访问中国,此后又很荣幸地多次前来访问。I first visited China in 1995, and I have been privileged toreturn since then.

活下来的幸运儿们正好是完美的诱饵。The surviving privileged members of S. T. A. R. S. were just the perfect bait.

提供商可能向有特权的第三方提供你储存的数据。The vendor may grant some privileged third parties access to your stored data.