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译作不可随意增减伸缩。Translation is not scalable.

可扩展的–添加或移动的风机盘管当需要时。Scalable – add or move fan coils as needed.

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既有纯棉风格又具伸缩自如特性。Both cotton style with scalable characteristics.

它实现为一个可伸缩的成熟产品吗?Is it being implemented as a full-fledged scalable product?

如何知道我的卷组是常规、大容量还是可扩展的?How do I know if my volume group is normal, big, or scalable?

获得可伸缩、可成长存储的三个关键要素如下There are three key elements for scalable and growable storage

基于内存的缓存速度快,而基于网络的缓存的可伸缩性比较好。Memory-based caching is fast, and network-based caches are scalable.

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设计了一种分层式可扩展的网守系统的管理模型。A model of the hierarchical and scalable gatekeeper system is designed.

它非常直观,但在动态查询环境中扩展能力很差。It's straightforward, but not very scalable in a dynamic query environment.

作为一家搜索公司,谷歌致力于开发可升级的问题解决方案。As a search company, we at Google try to develop scalable solutions to problems.

但是这种锁定策略的主要缺点就是可伸缩性较差。The major disadvantage is that this locking strategy might not be very scalable.

同时,使用反向代理服务器可使解决方案具有可扩展性和容错性。Also, the use of reverse proxies can make the solution scalable and fault-tolerant.

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包括一个新的基于Eclipse的可视测试编辑器和一个高度可扩展的复载产生器。Includes a new Eclipse-based visual test editor and a highly scalable load generator.

高弹四面伸缩材质紧密包覆整个小腿和膝部。Scalable high-elastic material is surrounded by close-coated the entire leg and knee.

现在任何一个计算机业的熟练工人都能设计出一个过得去的可伸缩系统。Now any journeyman computerista can do a reasonable job at designing a scalable system.

升级的公司就是那些可以用很小的成本就生产出新产品的公司。Scalable businesses are those that can produce the next widget at a fraction of the cost.

可扩展字体用于后期处理图表且彩色框文本化名为系统默认。Scalable fonts used for post-processing legend and color bar text are aliased by default.

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任选项包括可锁门,台式电源,数据端口,和可扩展电源。Lockable doors, desktop power, data ports, and a scalable power supply are optional features.

短数据库事务对任何高性能、高可扩展性的应用程序来说都是必不可少的。Short database transactions are essential for any highly performing and scalable applications.

提出了一种基于JPEG2000的图象局部可分级检索方法。A method of JPEG2000 based scalable lookup of image's local regions is presented in this paper.