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劳伦。伯格从东京发回报道。Lauren Burg reports from Tokyo.

他一辈子都住在这个镇上。I've lived in this burg all my life.

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具体而言,布尔克指出有三种生产任务是适合自动化折弯的Specifically, Burg pointed to three types of jobs that are suitable

1675年,咖啡现身于勃兰登堡大选的法庭上。The drink appeared at the court of the great Elector of Branden burg in 1675.

在约翰内斯-伯格市中心,一名警察拦住了一个男孩,要求必须出示他的通行证。A police officer detains a boy, who must show his pass, in central Johannes- burg.

伯格指出,婚姻的益处,也可能对不同的人效果迥异。Burg points out that the beneficial aspects of marriage may also be different for different people.

美国最大、最繁忙的城市。无怪乎它是国家的财政中心。The biggest and the most bustling burg in America. No wonder it's the financial center of the country.

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他们雇用了电话应答服务来应对洪水般的来电,而且给了Burg一个程序开发员的职位。They hired an answering service to handle the flood of phone calls, and offered Burg a job as a developer.

伯格表示这类人若进行规律的后续健康保健会对术后恢复好一些。Burg says that people who fall into this category could do better with more regular health-care follow-ups.

劳资双方的谈判目前正在里昂附近的小城圣沙蒙市政厅进行。Talks are now underway between workers and management in the town hall of the tiny burg of Saint-Chamond near Lyon.

迪拜的伯格,在世界上最高的超过800米,建设2009年11月23日,在迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国。The Burg Dubai, the tallest building in the World at over 800 metres, on November 23, 2009 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

“作为成年人,我们一般不习惯在我们不懂行的领域里玩”,伯格说,“每个人的合作和反应方式也都不一样。”"As adults, we don't usually get to play in areas where we're not experts," Burg says. "People cooperated and interacted differently."

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我前往这个漫天尘土、灰蒙蒙的城市拜访高德,发现当时他住在一个条件不太好的酒店。一般球队在比赛当天就住在这个酒店,街对面就是比赛场。I traveled to the dusty, dingy burg and found God in the second-rate hotel across the street from the arena where the team stayed on game nights.

当他们来到枫木城拜访我们,从曼哈顿市中心乘坐火车30分钟,一下子到了离奇有趣的乡镇,这种感觉多么奇妙。When they visited us in Maplewood, they could ride a train 30 minutes from midtown and be in a place which felt like a quaint country burg to them.

本文提出了一种自适应的数字滤波方法,它是利用格型结构来预测和估计雷达杂波,而格型系数的计算采用了伯格算法。This paper advances an adaptive data filtering method, which uses the lattice structure to predict and estimate radar clutters. The calculation of the lattice coefficient adopts the Burg method.