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斯蒂芬·金是讲故事的大师。A master storyteller.

他是我们的说书人。He was our storyteller.

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我是珞尔希安,最真实的故事家。I am Lorethian, the most truthful storyteller.

你一定是有史以来最棒的睡前故事说书人!You must be the best bedtime storyteller ever!

StoryTeller中的一切都是“可xcopy部署”的。Everything about StoryTeller is "XCopy deployable."

但一讲故事的人称之为“地狱之门岗。”But one storyteller calls it the "Hell's Gate Gang."

在这部影片中,他显然不再是一位传统的叙述型的故事讲述者。He is not, it seems, a conventional narrative storyteller.

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它是一个优秀的故事作者以致于你翻看他的书就停不下来了。He’s such a good storyteller that you can’t put down his books.

我知道,广播的开始是借助于说书人这种古老艺术。I know radio began by restoring the ancient art of storyteller.

我们在生活中最迷人的一个角色,就是作为一个讲述者。One of the most enticing roles we lead in life is that of a storyteller.

有一段时间,集市上来了一个说书人。A storyteller once came to the marketplace, and I sneaked off to listen to him.

我会帮你的,你是一个刻苦工作的好人,你也是一个讲故事好手。I will help you, you are a good hardworking man, and you are a good storyteller.

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以投票或讨论形式决出最佳电视秀和最佳叙述者。给学生以肯定的反馈和鼓励。Have a discussion on which group's TV show is the best and who is the best storyteller.

从沃伦指出说书阿德勒,是玫瑰的儿童是一个绝对页特纳。From noted storyteller Warren Adler, The Children of the Roses is an absolute page-turner.

说故事的人会坐在一个和蔼可亲的男人雕像旁,他手里拿着一本翻开的书。The storyteller will be sitting beside a statue of a kindly looking man holding an open book.

当然了,奥尔科特也是位才华横溢、引人瞩目的故事作者,主张犀利精明。Of course, Alcott was also one brilliant and gripping storyteller with sharp and knowing opinions.

一个擅长讲故事的人不只是分享他的故事,而是对人物和背景也运筹帷幄。A good storyteller knows far more about his characters and settings than he shares with his audience.

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在他们的宗教信条中,有一位被称为“故事讲述者”的受尊重的塔斯肯人口头传授他们丰富的历史。Among their sacred tenets is a rich oral history told by a venerated raider known as the storyteller.

在他在瑞典皇家科学院发表的“说故事的人”的演讲中,莫言将自己描述成一个讲故事的人。In his "Storytellers" lecture delivered at the Swedish Academy, Mo described himself as a storyteller.

叙述者实际上已经铺设了舞台,来重新讲述人人熟知的宇宙战争。So the storyteller has actually set the stage for retelling the cosmic battle story that everyone knew.