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本工程为换填级配碎石。This engineering is change fill macadam.

这个名称的碎石建设原则,是目前仍在使用的。This name for the MacAdam building principle is still in use today.

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工艺装置区与道路之间空地进行碎石场地铺装。Pave the site by macadam in the empty place bet ween the process unit areas and roads.

马佳丹说,在英国这种蜘蛛只有苏格兰高地的少数几个地点才有。Mr Macadam said in the UK it has been recorded from only a handful of sites in Scotland.

这种新的“马路”的施工方法或途径是其发明者的名字命名的“碎石”。This new "chaussee" or avenue construction method was named after its inventor"Macadam".

并在此基础上进行了初步的临床应用,获得了理想的碎石效果。After experiment , we made a lot initial clinical applications and got ideal macadam effect.

人们曾经使用“石结”基层——几层由石粉黏结在一起连续的碎石层。Macadam type bases involving successive layers of crushed rock bound with rock dust were also used.

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近年来,振动沉管碎石挤密桩在处理饱和黄土地基方面得到了相当广泛的应用。In recent years, the close-packed macadam piles are widely used in dealing with saturated loess base.

整体大厚度水泥稳定碎石基层是我国高等级公路路面基层主要结构形式。Large thickness cement stabilized macadam base road is the main structure of the grass-roots level in China.

对不同强度的卵石及碎石混凝土进行了三点弯曲的实验。The bending experiments at three points to pebble and macadam concrete in different strength have been conducted.

水泥稳定碎石路面基层存在早期易出现较多裂缝的缺陷而使其应用受限。Cement-stabilized macadam road base has a shortcoming of easy to crack in early time which limits its application.

随着水泥掺量的增加,聚丙烯纤维水泥稳定碎石抗压回弹模量基本呈线性增长。With the increase of cement content, the compressive resilient modulus of cement stabilized macadam is increasing linearly.

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矿渣、浮渣及类似的工业残渣,不论是否混有子目号2517.10所列的材料。Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in subheading No. 2517.10

相信本论文的结论和建议对今后进一步研究掺钢渣的水泥稳定碎石性能具有一定的理论价值和参考依据。At last, the conclusion was driven that slag has much influence on the strength of cement stabilized macadam and dry shrinkage.

高寒阴湿地区特殊的气候条件下,填隙碎石垫层和石灰土结构层是防治路基冻胀翻浆的有效技术措施。In the high cold wet zone, using fill gap macadam bed course or lime stabilized soil base course can prevent mud boil availably.

低温条件下养生、施工有利于改善水泥稳定碎石基层材料的抗裂性能。Curing and constructing for cement-stabilized macadam under the condition of lower temperature is benefit to improve its crack resistance.

通过对碎石桩的原理分析,阐述了碎石桩的施工检验与加固效果,介绍了碎石桩在地基处理中的应用。By analyzing the principle of macadam pile, the paper discussed its construction detection and strengthening effect, and introduced its application.

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通过试配C10-C55的普通型全高钛重矿渣混凝土,与同设计条件下的普通混凝土、河砂与重矿渣碎石配制的混凝土进行对比试验。C10-C55 CHTHSC are made and experiments are conducted to compare them with common concrete and concrete composed of fluvial sand, heavy slag and macadam.

结合大运高速公路临汾至侯马段液化地基设计,介绍了振动碎石桩处治液化地基的设计原理及方法。Combined with the construction practice, the paper introduced the design principle and method of vibrating macadam pile treating with liquefied subgrade.

本文针对我国高速公路大修中半刚性基层铣刨后浪费严重的现状,研究了高速公路二灰碎石基层再生后做刚性基层的技术。Considering the serious waste of milled semi-rigid base in freeway overhaul, a technique on reclaimed lime-fly ash macadam used in rigid base was studied.