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不要走极端。Dont' go to extreme.

而且是极端的乌托邦。It is a kind of extreme.

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至少可以说这种言论太偏激了。Extreme to say the least.

这就像是极限运动。It is like extreme sport.

你喜欢极限运动吗?Do you like extreme sports?

她处在极度的痛苦之中。She is now in extreme pain.


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极度的寒冷使水凝固。Extreme cold solidified water.

正确走向极端即成谬误。Extreme right is extreme wrong.

这需要极度严格的纪律。This requires extreme discipline.

极端的以偏概全。Overgeneralization in the extreme.

你可能认为这是在走极端。You might even deem it as extreme.

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他们从一个极端跑到另一个极端。They sit at one extreme or another.

这是一种对于高度的害怕。This is an extreme fear of heights.

感谢你的深情厚意。Thank you for your extreme kindness.

但格林森将其推向一个极端。But Greenson pushed it to an extreme.

爱与恨事感情的两个极端。Love and hate are extreme of passion.

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美国是个有极端天气的国家。America is a place of extreme weather.

在讯号微弱的地方也能迅速定位。Extreme fast TTFF at low signal level.

漠河在中国的最北端。Mohe is in the extreme north of China.