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照片的主人们是陌生人,我的相机躺在房子的角落,早已落尘。These are not my pix. My camera is lying somewhere, covered with dust.

谢谢所有让人惊喜不已的支持与鼓舞人心的故事-我会很快贴上照片的!Thanks for the amazing support and inspiring stories- will post pix soon!

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终于,我改完了几乎是两年前在温哥华照的照片。Finally I finished editing those Vancouver pix I took almost two years ago.

拿起来实在太轻太小太薄了,有时在拍照时很容易手震影响。Too light and Thin to handle and sometime will cause shaking while taking pix.

设置指定点像素为最接近指定色的近似值。Sets the pix el at the specified point to the closest approximation of the specified color.

设置指定点图元为最接近指定色的近似值。Sets the pix el at the specified point to the closest approximation of the specified color.

对比看看现在和15年前的任一座中国城市的照片。现在再看看1997年以前的每一张香港的照片。Look at pix of any Chinese City today vs 15 years ago. Now look at any pic of HK before 1997.

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你的蛋糕将会因为这些烘烤的纸杯和有趣的图片而变得异常完美。Your cupcakes will look perfect for the party with the coordinating baking cups and Fun Pix included.

PIX最终可能转向全部由广告支持,但相比之下,目前免费的商业广告将来会加收额外费用。PIX could end up ad-supported on one carrier while free of commercials on another that will charge an extra fee.

在有限元网格自动剖分方面,本文提出了对角点网格自动生成算法。In the aspect of FEM mesh automatic generation, this paper presents counter corner pix FEM mesh automatic generation method.

随著智能Pix管理器,用户可以快速浏览文件夹,或搜索文件使用关键字,描述和文件内容。With Smart Pix Manager, user can quickly browse the folders, or search for files using keywords, descriptions and file content.

在盆栽和田间条件下,研究了拔节期旅用不同浓度的多效唑、缩节胺和玉米健壮素对早熟大麦的效应。Effect of different concentrations of PP333, pix and maize promoter applied at elongation stage on early ripening barley at pots and field was studied.

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本文主要介绍防火墙的基本概念和工作原理,给出PIX防火墙在校园网络中的应用实例。This text introduces basic conception of the firewall and operation principle mainly. We provide an application instance of PIX firewall in the campus network.

本文运用分时解析法解释了LED显示屏虚拟像素的基本原理,提出了虚拟像素的实现方法,同时分析了虚拟像素的应用要点。In this paper, we analyse the principle of LED panel's virtual pix el by time-sharing method. The realization method and main points for application of virtual pixel is also present.

应用BP神经网络对数字进行识别,其图像的预处理采用去除杂点方法去除噪声,使用逐像素特征提取方法进行特征向量的提取。Applied BP neural network to recognize numbers, and adopted a method of wipe off miscellaneous points to take out noise, and used a method of per pix feature extraction to extract feature vector.

本试验以马铃薯试管苗为材料。用组织培养的方法研究了缩节胺在马铃薯脱毒试管苗保存中的作用.为缩节胺在植物组织培养中的应用提供基础材料。The experiment with the material of test-tube seedling of Solanum tuberosum and by the way of Trissue culture, studied the function of Pix in the preserving of test-tube plants of solarium tuberosum.