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FTC的一名发言人拒绝置评。A spokeswoman for the FTC declined to comment.

如何使用FTC模糊温度控制指令?How to use the fuzzy temperature control command, FTC?

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苹果发言人没有回复记者要求其就FTC的调查进行评论的请求。An Apple spokeswoman didn't respond to requests for comment about the FTC probe.

默克及先灵葆雅表示,他们曾预料到会收到FTC的要求,并称将全面配合.The companies said they had anticipated the FTC request and would cooperate fully.

即使使用了“帮助”这个“鼬鼠”型的广告词也无法阻止联邦贸易委员会下令取缔这个广告。Even the weasel "helps"did not prevent the FTC from demanding that this ad be with-drawn.

国会中的改革者敦促美国联邦贸易委员会等联邦机构采取更有效的行动。Congress has its crusaders seeking to goad federal agencies like the FTC into more-effective action.

对于交易撮合者来说,这意味着中国商务部同样也可能会像联邦贸易委员会和欧盟竞争委员会那样搅局。For dealmakers, that means China's Commerce Ministry can be as much of a spoiler as the FTC and the EU commission.

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FTC是在美国国会要求下进行的这份调查,因国内对儿童肥胖问题的关注愈加强烈。The FTC study was requested by Congress in response to growing concern about childhood obesity in the United States.

戴维森还指出,谷歌已经和联邦贸易委员会达成协议,在未来20年里面,任何涉及隐私的产品会受到审核。Davidson also noted that Google has an agreement with FTC to have its privacy practices audited for the next 20 years.

不过,联邦贸易委员会表示,如果谷歌有非法捆绑销售或其他违反竞争的行为,委员会将迅速作出反应。The FTC said, however, that it would act quickly 'should Google engage in unlawful tying or other anticompetitive conduct.'

在专营权下的规则,美国联邦贸易委员会要求您接受该文件前14天签订任何与特许合同。Under the Franchise Rule, the FTC requires that you receive the document 14 days prior to signing any contract with the franchisor.

FTC是一套组件,为MDW各个子系统的文件上传与下载提供支持,包括文件传输服务器和文件传输客户端两个部分,其中。FTC is a set of component provided uploading and downloading for the overall sub-system in MDW. It can be structurally put into two parts.

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雷博维茨以倡导消费者权益保护而闻名,而作为联邦贸易委员会的主席,他推行的是更为严厉的反垄断措施。Leibowitz is known for championing consumer protections, and as a FTC commissioner he pushed for greater enforcement of antitrust violations.

该欧文斯伊利诺斯单位,被称为单曲榜中塑料制品生产塑料公平处方瓶,篡改封锁和塑料医疗器械。The Owens-Illinois unit, known as Ol Plastic Products FTC makes plastic prescription bottles, tamperproof closures and plastic medical devices.

初步结果显示,为期的48周的每天一次服用阿德福韦酯加拉米夫定或替诺福韦酯加恩曲他滨能大大地降低预处理时的病毒水平。Initial results showed once daily treatment for 48 weeks with ADV plus 3TC or TDF plus FTC greatly reduced viral levels from those pretreatment.

但后来重新赛车男装跑鞋耐克皇家蓝色白色黑色syxm0006,联邦贸易委员会说,没有一个可以合法地保证您的结果。But then afresh Nike Shox R5 Mens Running Shoes Royal Blue White Black SYXM0006 , the FTC says that not one can legitimately assure your results.

Groupon的董事会担心,美国联邦贸易委员会会花费9到18个月的时间来审查这起并购案,而结果很可能是否决这场交易。Groupon's board worried that the FTC would take 9 to 18 months to review the merger, and that there was a very good chance it would kibosh the deal.

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至今为止,谷歌从没有面对过来自司法部和联邦交易委员会这两个维护公平竞争的美国机构的正式调查。So far, the company has not faced an official investigation from the two U.S. agencies charged with preserving fair competition, Justice and the FTC.

这些制衡又增加了由美国国会于1975年和1980年联邦贸易委员会以遏制当时的广泛权力的行为,创造公平贸易委员会在1914年产生的。These checks and balances were added by congress in 1975 and 1980 to curb the FTC's then-broad powers stemming from the act that created the FTC in 1914.

FTC和英特尔律师6月21日达成初步协议,暂停诉讼,五位成员继续对此进行讨论.While FTC and Intel lawyers reached a preliminary consent agreement on June 21 and halted litigation, the five-member commission continues to discuss it.