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敲钟人,你在哪啊?Where are you bell ringer ?

那个人象极了周杰伦。That man is a dead ringer of Jay Chou.

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他们家族中一代一代的都是敲钟人。In his family, everybody used to be a bell ringer !

这是一种独立的外部电话振铃器或响铃。This is a separate external telephone ringer or bell.

撒哈拉间谍套装最适合搭配死亡送终者。The Saharan Spy item set pairs best with the Dead Ringer.

噢我的天哪,你的男朋友长得特像汤姆?克鲁斯!Oh my God, your boyfriend is a dead ringer for Tom Cruise!

但至少他们都有一个静音的硬件开关。At least they both have a hardware switch to silence the ringer.

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单芯片的讲话,拨号和振铃功能的电话IC。One-chip telephone IC with speech, dialler and ringer functions.

典型的应用是电话铃声帧和卡架。Typical applications are telephone ringer frames and card racks.

她酷似以前我认识的一个女孩,但我叫不出她名字了。She's a dead ringer for a girl I used to know, but her name escaped me.

她酷似以前我认识的一个女孩,但我叫不出她名字了。She's a dead ringer for a girl I used to know, but her name escapes me.

他和那个人的声音太相似了,他就是那个代言人!And he was a total dead ringer for the voice, of course, because it was him!

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我们急急忙忙走进商店,在经过救世军敲钟人的时候,我们低下了头。We hurried into the store past the Salvation army bell ringer with our heads down.

乱蓬蓬的黑发和镶银边的眼镜让他看来酷似哈里·波特。His mop of black hair and silver-rimmed glasses make him a dead ringer for Harry Potter.

通常治疗霍乱的办法是静脉注射任求氏溶液盐水针。The usual way of curing cholera is to give intravenous saline injections of Ringer solution.

所有在这个部门工作的人,都像俗语所说的“被上了套”,她也不例外。She, like all of the men and women in her department, had been through the proverbial ringer.

你会责问自己最后一次是在哪里看见手机,还祈祷手机的铃声没有设为静音模式。Asking yourself where you last saw the phone and praying that its ringer is not set to silent.

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在电影院用手机没问题。手机铃声听起来就像有人在揉糖纸。?It's okay to use my cell phone at the movies. The ringer sounds like someone crinkling a candy wrapper!

通过对装备抢救过程中牵引钢丝绳以及钢丝绳套环的受力分析,利用MSC。The finite element model of the mechanical performance of steel wire ringer was established by using MSC.

随着时光的消逝,某种亲密的关系把这个敲钟人和这座教堂联结在一起。In the course of time there had been formed a certain peculiarly intimate bond which united the ringer to the church.