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毫无疑问,他住在一间小阁楼上。No doubt he lived in a garret.

在过去的经验中我们每个人都有过海市蜃楼。We all have in our past a delightful garret.

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破屋子的中间顿时空了一大片。A broad open space was cleared in the middle of the garret.

由双重斜坡屋顶形成的那一层通常称为阁楼。The story formed by a mansard roof is usually called the garret.

盖瑞特掉进了水里,一时头晕目眩。Garret dropped into the water and had a blank moment of dizziness.

博纳尔并非那种阁楼浪漫艺术家,他生活得还有几分庸俗。There was nothing of the romantic artist in a garret about Bonnard.

找到自己在一个阁楼表明,你需要以遏止您的面盆。To find yourself in a garret shows that you need to curb your vanities.

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盖瑞特奋力挣扎,在水中乱踢,避免淹死。Garret struggled with all his might, kicking at the water to avoid drowning.

因此燕子取下了王子的一只眼睛,朝学生住的阁楼飞去了。So the Swallow plucked out the Prince's eye, and flew away to the student's garret.

使这破屋显得更加丑恶的原因是它的面积大。One thing which added still more to the horrors of this garret was, that it was large.

台阁型山茶花仅仅是楼子型雄蕊离心式瓣化的初级形式。The garret type is just as the preliminary formation of tower flower type centrifugal petalody.

我宁愿做个穷人,住在小阁楼却能饱览群书,而不愿变成不爱读书的国王。I would rather be a poor man in garret with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading.

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我第一次认真的恋情是和一个身无分文的古典吉他手,他住在伊斯灵顿的小阁楼上。My first serious love affair was with a penniless classical guitarist who lived in a garret in Islington.

我宁愿是个身居阁楼有大量书籍的穷人,而不愿做不爱读书的国王。I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of books, than a king who did not love reading. -T. B.

这厅房只靠一扇窄窗子进光,随时都点着一盏煤油灯,形象很是寒伧。凡是该有四只脚的家具好象都只有三只脚。This room, lighted by a single narrow window, and by a lamp that was always burning, had the air of a garret.

红色标签模式回复到旧的V8引擎,它吹嘘单一顿T4涡轮增压器的835牛顿米的扭矩。TheRed Label model reverted to the old V8, which boasted torque of 835N·m witha single Garret T4 turbocharger.

宁为穷汉住搁楼,拥有好书任我读,不愿身居帝王位,纵有好书不爱读。I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of good books to read than a king who did not love reading

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宁为穷汉住搁楼,拥有好书任我读,不愿身居帝王位,纵有好书不爱读。I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of good books to read than a king who did not love reading.

她并没有在楼梯顶停下来,而是向更上面走去,走向关着希斯克利夫的阁楼,并叫他的名字。She made no stay at the stairs'-head, but mounted farther, to the garret where Heathcliff was confined, and called him.

阁楼里有只大箱子,里面满是文稿,也许是他希望我替他编订一本文集出版吧?Not improbably he wished me to edit and publish a selection from a chest full of manuscript discourses that stood in the garret.