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他出发旅行。He departed on a journey.

我动身回国。I departed to my own country.

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说完,他起程回了贝拿勒斯。So saying, he departed for Benares.

这条船在高潮时离港。The ship departed on the high water.

他上午启程去美国。He departed for Ameri-ca this morning.

木犀草香味已杳然消失。The perfume of mignonette had departed.

他们当中许多人外出作短途旅游。A number of them departed for an outing.

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他厌恶地离开了暗夜精灵的领地。Reluctantly he departed night elf lands.

它就再上去问天使了。He then departed again to ask the angels.

我花1毛钱乘坐的航班的起飞时间是早上5点。My 1-pence flights departed at around 5 am.

周恩来同志和我们永别了。Comrade Zhou Enlai finally departed from us.

总统今天从华盛顿出发。The President departed from Washington today.

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总统此日从华盛顿启碇。The President departed from Washington today.

大麻疯立刻就离了他的身。And immediately the leprosy departed from him.

她脱离课文扯到一段轶事上去了。She departed from the text to tell an anecdote.

我们都知道贝莱蒂已经离开了球队。We now know that Juliano Belletti has departed.

他就离了犹太,又往加利利去。He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee.

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她就怀着这种自我陶醉式的信心走了。In this self-complacent conviction she departed.

众人就各回各家去了。So all the people departed every one to his house.

耶稣给他们按手,就离开那地方去了。And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.