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需要引起注意的代码用粗体显示。The notable code is in boldface.

在课本上,用粗体来表示矢量In the textbook, they use boldface arrows.

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我用粗体强调了其中的关键部分。I've emphasized the key portion in boldface.

用粗体字显示的最后七行创建了响应。The last seven lines in boldface create the response.

文章中有没有以粗体字的形式出现的关键词?。Are there important words in boldface type throughout the chapter?

富摘要信息包括一个或多个以加粗显示的查询词。Snippets include one or more of your query words shown in boldface.

你会改变黑体字方面,可能使用斜体或下划线?Would you change the boldface terms, perhaps using italic or underlining?

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标题的格式通常显示为粗体,大号字,以便和其它文字区别。Headings are generally displayed in boldface so that they stand out from the text.

你可以标题你想强调单词的句子用黑体。You can use boldface for headings and for words and sentences you wish to emphasize.

返回字体对象使用了标准介面来指定字体大小附加黑体风格。Returns the font object used for standard interface items that are rendered in boldface type in the specified size.

凯蒂·赫尔姆斯、罗丝·奥唐纳和安娜·妮可·史密斯的小女儿丹尼尔琳被OK!Katie Holmes, Rosie O'Donnell and Anna Nicole Smith's baby daughter, Dannielynn, are among the boldface names on OK!

清楚什么信息最重要,并强调突出标题,使用黑体它和其他视觉线索。Decide what’s most important to communicate, and emphasize it with prominent headings, boldface type, and other visual cues.

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例如,创造一个上面的列表中没有的数字,办法是沿着斜线往下,把粗体字抽出来构成一个新的数字。For instance, to construct one that appears nowhere on the list shown above, go down the diagonal and build a new number from the boldface digits

尽管从危机的一开始政府的重要性就不断上升,由于不同的原因,黑体印刷的奥巴马政府成员的名单却十分少见。And while government has surged in importance since the onset of the crisis, boldface Obama administration names are in short supply, for different reasons.

凯蒂·赫尔姆斯、罗丝·奥唐纳和安娜·妮可·史密斯的小女儿丹尼尔琳被OK!杂志评为“最有影响力名人”。Katie Holmes, Rosie O'Donnell and Anna Nicole Smith's baby daughter, Dannielynn, are among the boldface names on OK! magazine's list of "most influential" celebrities.

分段应有黑体字的副标题,目的是使文章更有条理,能帮助读者清楚地通览全文,并找到他们感兴趣的内容。The separate parts should hae subheadings in boldface to make this organization clear, and to help the reader scan through the final text to find the parts that interest him or her.

分段应有黑体字的副标题,目的是使文章更有条理,能协助读者分明地通览全文,并找到他们感兴味的内容。The separate parts should have subheadings in boldface to make this organization clear, and to help the reader scan through the final text to find the parts that interest him or her.

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分段应有黑体字的副标题,目的是使文章更有条理,能帮助读者清楚地通览全文,并找到他们感兴趣的内容。The separate parts should have subheadings in boldface to make this organization clear, and to help the reader scan through the final text to find the parts that interest him or her.