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但他是悲观的。But he is pessimistic.

是一头十分悲观的驴子。Eeyore is a pessimistic donkey.

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Eubanks甚至更加悲观。Eubanks is even more pessimistic.

我们之中有一个悲观的害人精。A pessimistic pest exists amidst us.

他还说,他也是一个悲观派。Then he added, he was also a pessimistic.

但是,并非所有的研究者都如此悲观。But not all researchers are so pessimistic.

人说我过分消极,悲观。People say I am too negative and pessimistic.

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露西对她能否通过考试感到悲观。Luce is pessimistic about passing the examination.

说句实话,我对此一点也不乐观。To tell the truth, I am rather pessimistic about it.

我们现在有了一个悲观但并非不可能的估算。We now have a pessimistic but not impossible estimate.

德莱塞的小说里渗透着一股沉重的悲观主义情绪。Dreiser's novels reveal a stream of pessimistic emotion.

然而,哈代的人生哲学真地阴郁黯淡吗?。However, is Hardy's philosophy of life really pessimistic?

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所以,我们没有消极和悲观的理由。Therefore, we have no reason for negative and pessimistic.

其他经济学专家认为Rawski太悲观了。Other economists reckon that Mr Rawski was too pessimistic.

那么你可以明白为什么一些美联储的官员如此悲观。You can see, then, why some Fed officials are so pessimistic.

我其实一直是一个忧郁且悲观的人。You know, cause I had always been a morose and pessimistic guy.

但气候模式本身确实变得越发令人悲观。But climate modelers themselves have grown increasingly pessimistic.

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由于具双重性格,有时候他们可能悲观厌世。Sometime they can be pessimistic which is caused by their dual nature.

此举对科技持悲观态度的人说,这真是勇夫之举。It is a brave choice for someone who is so pessimistic about technology.

该死的肯亚穷人,你们别那麽怨天尤人就好了。Damn those poor Kenyans. If only they weren't such pessimistic sourpusses.