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花腔女高音的声音频率是多少?Is Coloratura soprano singing a way of focus singing ?

长笛无疑是最好的花腔女高音。The flute is the best coloratura soprano without doubt.

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这个古典作品的特点是花腔女高音和次女高音之间的一段二重奏。This classic piece features a duet between a coloratura soprano and and a mezzo-soprano.

罗西尼擅于创作炫技性极强的花腔旋律,形成了他别具一格的花腔风格。Rossini's highly skillful in the creation of coloratura melody, and formed a unique coloratura style of his own.

如果没有宽广的音域和灵活的声音,花腔女中音是很难自如发挥达到艺术效果的。Without the wide compass and the flexible voice, it is difficult to exhibit the artistic effect of the coloratura mezzo-soprano.

我坐在他的书桌上,满怀欣喜地仔细察看他潇洒的签名,盘旋缠绕的字体就像花腔女歌手的颤音。I sat on his desk and observed with rapture his flourished signature, convoluted and swirling like the trills of a coloratura soprano.

笔者认为,李洱之所以显得别具一格,在于其小说里多声部话语中的“花腔叙事”。The author believed that the reason why Li Er appears so distinctive lies in its multi-voice words of"coloratura narrative"in his novel.

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她用衬衫袖子擦了擦眼,用满怀爱意的女人那饱受摧折的肩膀围住了我,接着用深沉的花腔高音大笑起来。She wiped her eyes on her shirtsleeve and wrapped me in the wracking shudder of a woman in love.Then she began laughing in that deep coloratura.

她用衬衫袖子擦了擦眼,用满怀爱意的女人那饱受摧折的肩膀围住了我,接着用深沉的花腔高音大笑起来。She wiped her eyes on her shirtsleeve and wrapped me in the wracking shudder of a woman in love. Then she began laughing in that deep coloratura.

无论在高文花园、史卡拉歌剧院、巴黎歌剧院、卡奈基音乐厅和悉尼歌剧院,韩国首席花腔女高音曹秀美所到之处,均会赢得观众起立鼓掌。Standing ovations greet Korean soprano Sumi Jo whenever she performs her coloratura repertoire at Covent Garden, La Scala , the Paris Opera, Carnegie Hall and the Sydney Opera House.