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这里定义了一个全局变量。in this global environment.

创造更平静的环境。Create a calmer environment.

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遗传与环境?Heredity versus environment?

这就是环境法的任务。It is by the environment law.

这种环境下,没什么借口好找。It's a no-excuse environment.

创设一种令人轻松的环境。Create a relaxing environment.

做环境生意是很难正确把握的。The environment biz is fickle.

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程序的运行环境为EVC。The running environment for EVC.

总之,气氛非常的轻松。it's a very relaxed environment.

我们如何改变我们的环境呢?How do we change our environment?

微软研究院的工作环境怎么样?Hows the work environment at MSR?

今天恰逢世界环境日。It's World Environment Day today.

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我们与环境相互影响。We interact with our environment.

设定您的桌面环境。Configure your desktop environment.

这严重地破坏着环境。It destructs the environment badly.

普林斯顿有相当勤奋的学习环境。It's a fairly studious environment.

安全、保密的沙箱环境Safe, secure, sandboxed environment

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保护生态环境。Preserve the ecological environment.

子宫是个无菌的环境。The uterus is a sterile environment.

我们必须净化环境。?。We have to clean up the environment.