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包含一个脱模剂。Contains a mold release agent.

郭德纲正好符合这个模式。Mr. Guo seems to fit this mold.

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霉菌给它蒸出些云霞。mold and mildew it steamed off.

少年以黄泥将乌鸦铸就。Lads with yellow clay mold a crow.

我们可以改做三板模吗?Could we change it to 3 plate mold?

然后把爪子印从模具上取下来。Remove the paw print from the mold.

缝隙将是构件的铸模。The gap would be mold of the member.

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面包在潮湿的天气里容易发霉。Bread tends to mold in damp wea-ther.

好端端的大蒜粒咋烂掉霉变了?Hey ye rotten mold of garlic tablets?

霉菌和真菌迅速弃土烟草。Mold and fungus spoil tobacco quickly.

当然,并非每位球员都符合这一模式。Of course, not everyone fits the mold.

结晶器保护渣系列化分析研究。The seriation of mold slag is studied.

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把混合物倒进胶模内。Pour the mixture into the plastic mold.

霉菌把Oremus地窖中的酒瓶包裹起来。Mold coats bottles in the Oremus cellar.

隔板,边模,底模。Partition Panel, Side Mold, Bottom Mold.

所以,这是一种新的致病性粘菌。So, it's a new pathogenicity slime mold.

我们的预算额已削减到最低限度。Her a plaster of pared mold of your hand.

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开阔了橡胶模具设计思路。Widened the rubber mold design mentality.

轻轻的把它们耙进土里。And they raked them softly under the mold.

熟悉塑胶磨具和五金磨具。Familiar with plastic mold and metal mold.