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家庭无论对年轻人还是老年人都意味着某种归属。Family means certain ascription for not only the young but also the old.

研究共同犯罪中的实行过限问题,目的是为了明确刑事责任的归属。A careful study on this issue is to determine the ascription of liability.

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厘清了行政法援用的制度归属。The dissertation clarifies the system ascription of the citation of administrative law.

以色列与巴基斯坦至今仍未能达成一致就耶路撒冷的归属问题。Israel and Palestine have not yet been in accord on the problem of Jerusalem's ascription.

讨论了一元归责论和二元归责论。The unitary ascription of responsibility and dual ascription of responsibility are discussed.

身分辨识及责任归属是一切法律关系的基础。The distinction of identity and the ascription of liability is the basis of all legal relationship.

主权的归属决定着近代国家权力运作的不同形式。The ascription of the sovereignty manipulates the different forms of the operation of the state power.

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最初它是由云南和四川的5个县组成。Its territory was initially formed by the ascription of five counties from Yunnan and Sichuan provinces.

最后,建立守望相助的社会支持系统让城市失业半失业女性产生归属感。Finally , we should establish social support system, featured by help—each other mode , to cultivate ascription to our society for them.

同时,心理契约的维护在较大的程度上和员工的认知有关,是影响归因的重要方面。Meanwhile the maintenance of contracts relates to employee's acknowledgement to a greater extent, and is a critical effect on ascription.

本文提出,纠纷的实质是运动员竞技能力物质利益的归属问题。This paper points out that the essential of the conflicts is the ascription problems of the material benefits from the sports capability.

但目前穆斯林聚居区的居住环境较为恶劣,聚居区的社区感、归属感正在减弱,整个居住区的文化正在走向衰落。Whereas its living environment is very bad now, its quality of community and ascription is weakening, and its dwelling culture is declining.

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本文以现代汉语中一种特殊格式——X为归判性动词的“AXA,BXB”为研究对象。The thesis regards a Modern Chinese grammatical construction "AXA, BXB", in which the "X" is the verbs that show ascription and appraisement.

虽然这些情况下,举行下的绝对控制上帝的,明确的因果关系的归属,他们向上帝是不突出。Although these circumstances are held to be under the absolute control of God, the explicit causal ascription of them to God is not prominent.

公有制医院产权归属是决定公有制医院绩效的因素之一。The ascription of public system hospital property rights system is one of the factors that determine the performance of public system hospital.

太多的注释者过快地将问题归因于文本排序的错误,在文本诠释中“解决”问题。Too many commentators opt much too quickly for an ascription of confusion in order fallaciously to 'solve' a problem in textual interpretation.

作者把社会排斥对上海外来非正规就业者自我认同的影响归为三个层面,即身份认同层面、社区认同层面和未来归属认同层面。In the author' opinion the impacts can be divided into three dimensions, that is identity, sense of ascription to community and future attachment.

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第四,针对社区体育活动有可能出现的意外事件,本文分析了在意外事件中的法律责任归属问题。For the unexpected that may appear in the community sports, this paper analyzes the ascription of the law responsibility to the accident in sports.

从重视物的归属向重视物的利用的现代物权法的发展趋势是转质制度得以确立的现实需求。Secondly, the developing trend of modern real rights law is from emphasis of the ascription of properties to emphasis of the usage of the property.

以权利的归属和处分特征为标准,权利划分为国家权力、国家权力主见权和私权利三种。Right includes the right of state, the right of making claims to definite ideas and private right in terms of its ascription and ways of punishment.