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高血糖症的症状是一样的,这些未经处理的糖尿病。Symptoms of hyperglycaemia are the same as those of untreated diabetes.

所以,严密的监控会尽早发现高血糖或者低血糖的任何征兆。Frequent monitoring will provide early warning signs of hypo or hyperglycaemia.

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餐后血糖是否为降低心血管病风险的靶标?Is Postprandial Hyperglycaemia the Next Target for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk?

结果玉米须提取物皂苷能显著或明显降低肾上腺素、四氧嘧啶所致的高血糖。Results The Maize tassel saponin could reduce the hyperglycaemia caused by alloxan and adrenaline.

肺部感染、水电解质紊乱和心律失常是高龄患者术后死亡的主要原因。Cause of Death are pulmonary infection, electrolyte disturbances, arhythmia, glycopenia or hyperglycaemia cataphora.

其作用靶点在于阻断了高血糖后引起合并症的细胞内信号传导系统。It functions by means of blocking intracellular signal transducing system resulting in hyperglycaemia complications.

提示2型糖尿病患者胰岛素代谢下降可能是高血糖的作用。This suggests that the reduction in insulin metabolism seen in cases of type 2 diabetes may be due to an effect of hyperglycaemia.

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胰高血糖素是一种已经熟识的激素,它能通过对葡萄糖异生和糖原分解的诱导作用来导致高血糖症的产生。Glucagon is a well described hormone that contributes to hyperglycaemia through the induction of both gluconeogenic and glycogenolytic pathways.

因此本天结束时的结论仍是一样的,即如果你控制了高血糖,那么你就能够控制氧化应激产生的有害效应。So, at the end of the day the story is always the same if you can manage hyperglycaemia you can manage the deleterious effects of oxidative stress generation.

结论老年2型糖尿病下肢动脉病变的发生是在高血糖基础上与多种因素相关。Conclusion The prevalence of vascular lesions in lower limbs is based on hyperglycaemia and correlated with many factors in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

现在非常清楚,线粒体不仅在糖尿病并发症中起着关键作用,而且还具有代谢的影响,这意味着高血糖具有长期持久的影响。It is very clear today that the mitochondria not only plays a key role in the complications of diabetes but also the metabolic effect which means long lasting effects of hyperglycaemia.

以防止高血糖症的发生,人民与1型糖尿病患者需要控制其血糖水平,保持正确的组合,饮食及注射胰岛素。In order to prevent hyperglycaemia from occurring , people with type 1 diabetes need to control their blood glucose levels by maintaining the right combination of diet and insulin injections.