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为固定短语,表示“被迫做某事”。D be forced to do sth.

我强迫他做这件事。I forced him to do it.

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爱情不能强求。Love cannot be forced.

人都是逼出来的”。People are forced out "."

人是被逼出来的!People are been forced out?

安娜贝利弱弱地笑了一下。Annabel forced a weak laugh.

他被迫改变方法。He was forced to change tack.

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钱箱被强行打开。The money box was forced open.

他们把空气吹入他的肺里。They forced air into his lung.

莪迷失勒方向,莪被逼俑叚面目视秂。Lose my way, Im forced to fake.

你有没有看到那些被迫往下跳的人?Did you see those forced to jump?

不要再被胁迫做那种事了。Don't be forced to do that again.

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我迷失了方向,我被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, Im forced to fake.

我迷失ㄋ方向,我被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, Im forced to fake.

很多功成名就是逼出来的。A lot of successful is forced out.

人都是被逼出来的!Everybody's success is forced out.

莪迷失了方向,莪被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, I'm forced to face.

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我迷失了方向,我被逼用假面目见人。I lose my way, I'm forced to fake.

她竭力遏制自己,不打哆嗦。She forced herself not to shudder.

但随后他们却被迫撤退But then they're forced to back up.