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我是你叔叔。奥盖尔。I'm your uncle. Argyle.

她穿着定制的合身外套和有菱形花纹的袜子,看上去美极了。She was ravishing in her tailored jackets and argyle socks.

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他们闲暇时就在格拉斯哥的阿盖尔街上演唱卖艺。They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street.

一身深深浅浅的灰搭配条纹露指手套,格子羊毛和马丁靴。Grayscale ensemble with striped arm warmers , argyle wool socks and Laredo lace up boots.

这一带最有名气的要数湄公饭店了,它位于阿齐勒和百老汇交界的拐角处。The most famous place in the neighborhood is the Mekong Restaurant, on the corner of Argyle and Broadway.

你是否介意和穿着牛仔裤耐克鞋配菱形花纹袜子的男友一起出现在公共场合?Is it acceptable to be seen with a boyfriend who actually goes out in public wearing jeans and Nikes with argyle socks?

之前他在皇家安特卫普的4个月租借期内表现不错,上赛季整个赛季都在普利茅斯度过。Previously, Cathcart shone during a four-month spell at Royal Antwerp, and in a season-long loan at Plymouth Argyle last term.

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经典装修高尔夫球毛衣,具有丰厚的预科生阿盖尔轻便舒适豪华柔软的棉格局设计。Classic-fitting golf sweater, designed with a handsomely preppy argyle pattern from luxurious soft cotton for lightweight comfort.

邮编-高校男童外套及亚皆老街绗缝外套是其中外衣的选择,加上夹克,背心及长裤,在法国特里。Zip-up college boy jackets and argyle quilted jackets are among the outerwear options, plus jackets, vests and pants in French terry.

Lajamanu坐在塔纳米沙漠的边缘,数百公里从的阿皆老湖和埃利奥特湖,和从海岸甚至更远。Lajamanu sits on the edge of the Tanami Desert, hundreds of kilometres from Lake Argyle and Lake Elliott and even further from the coast.

为了达到像谢尔科的时髦女人打扮,你所需要的是一些可爱的过膝盖的中筒袜,一条带衣领的裙子和一些裁剪不正的菱形花纹背心。To work some Cher-like ladyswagger, all you need is some cute over-the-knee socks, a collared shirt, and a couple of cropped argyle vests.

朱莉.克莱克雷斯38岁,他同样也想加入安格雷营地,说她过去常常和私人教练健身但是每周只能支付起2个小时。Julie Crecelius, 38, who also attends the Argyle camp, said she used to work with a personal trainer but could afford only two hours a week.

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基督弟兄朋友艾纳斯·坎贝尔邀请他参加阿盖尔山脉教会,利瓦伊开始聆听圣经中的解释,令他感到满意。Christadelphian friend Aenas Campbell invited him to attend at the Argyle Mountain Ecclesia and Levi began hearing Bible explanations that satisfied him.

凯利.克拉布雷斯为冒险海军训练新兵的营地培训全国指导员并且在达雷斯的郊区安格雷拥有安格雷冒险营地。Kelli Calabrese trains instructors nationally for the Adventure Boot Camp program and also owns Argyle Adventure Boot Camp in the Dallas suburb of Argyle.

它将然后通过将返回亚皆老街前南靠谢里登路,然后在劳伦斯大街西,然后再在百老汇街北一环。It will then make a loop by going South on Sheridan Road, then West on Lawrence Avenue, then back North on Broadway Street before returning to Argyle Street.

社会心理学家迈克o阿吉尔觉察到对方的次数和时间,要比两个互相冷漠甚至敌视的人互相看对方的次数和时间要多。Social psychologist Michael Argyle observes that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than those who are indifferent or hostile towards each other.

阿盖尔和他的同事一直在研究非言语传播的特点,并把得到的信息提供给管理者和他们的团队。Argyle and his associates have been studying the features of nonverbal communication that provide information to managers and their team members. The following summarizes their findings

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边锋李。马丁上周以租借的形式加盟普利茅斯3个月,爱尔兰中场达伦。吉布森预计将以相似的条件加盟狼队。Lee Martin, the winger, joined Plymouth Argyle on a three-month loan last week and Darron Gibson, the Ireland midfield player, is expected to join Wolverhampton Wanderers on a similar basis.