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你应该仔细地重新考虑一下这个问题。You should give it careful reconsideration.

认真实施行政复议制度。Administrative reconsideration system is earnestly implemented.

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控告人如果不服,可以申请复议。If the accuser disagrees with it , he may apply for a reconsideration.

最后对生态驳岸设计进行反思。Finally we carry on the reconsideration to the ecology bulkhead design.

当事人对决定不服的,可以申请复议。Parties who refuse to accept the decision may apply for reconsideration.

第二个周期从批判和反思两汉“名教”开始。The second cycle began with criticism and reconsideration of the Confucian Ethics.

当事人对决定不服的,可以申请复议。Parties who refuse to accept the punishment decision may apply for reconsideration.

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控告人如果不服,可以申请复议。If the complainant does not agree with the decision, he may ask for reconsideration.

斡旋受贿的立法规定需要重新定位。The legislation of the crime of mediatory acceptance of bribe needs reconsideration.

第八条申请人申请行政复议,可以书面申请,也可以口头申请。The applicant may apply for administrative reconsideration either in writing or orally.

这个计划的内容并不复杂,而如今正是一个反思的好时候。It's not so much what's in the proposal as it is that this is the time for reconsideration.

税务行政争讼是指税务行政复议和税务行政诉讼。The administrative relief of taxation refers to the reconsideration and litigation for taxation.

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全球经济危机正在促使台湾加紧重新考虑对大陆的立场。The global economic crisis is accelerating Taiwan's reconsideration of its stance towards China.

原告胜诉率偏低,行政复议程序制度闲置等现象突出。Plaintiff' s winning rate is low and the administrative reconsideration procedure is rarely started.

管辖权异议审查和复议期间,不停止执行。Pending examination or reconsideration of a jurisdictional challenge, the enforcement shall continue.

第二部分域外行政复议体制评介。The second part is the valuation and reconsideration of extra-territorial administrative review system.

该书是对她的性别从性别观点复议早期故障操演。The book constitutes a reconsideration of her earlier view on gender performativity from Gender Trouble.

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“除了非暴力这一基本原则,所有的东西都会被重新思考”。He said "everything will be on the table" for reconsideration except the fundamental principle of non-violence.

行政复议决定书一经送达,即发生法律效力。Once thew written administrative reconsideration decision is served, the decision is instantly legally effective.

行政复议司法性的制度化是必然选择。The indispensable chosen is that the institutionalizing of the judicial nature of administrative reconsideration.