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这是一个法律淡泊的国家。This is an outlaw country.

挑战布莱尔将猎狐非法化的计划。Challenged Blair on plans to outlaw foxhunting.

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这名犯法者获准在教堂里避难。The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.

规则并没有明确从背后阻截是犯规。The Laws do not specifically outlaw tackling from behind.

那个年代,汤姆有一点叛逆,有一个梦想就是去当绿林好汉。Back then, Tom has a bit rebellious, a dream is to go when the outlaw.

规则的改变反复无常,政府到底会谴责,抑或宣布哪种手法为非法行为?Which — in a capricious change of the rules — will it condemn or outlaw?

中国最好还是直接宣布宗教不合法。它可是人类社会的痛苦之源呀。China would do better to outlaw religion. It is the bane of human society.

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一八六五年美国正式修改宪法,明定蓄奴为非法。In 1865 the Constitution was amended to outlaw slavery In the United States.

理事会决议的起草者设法精确的宣布什么是不合法的?What exactly is it the drafters of the council resolution are trying to outlaw?

奥特洛自治区自我复制的机器人,除非给予具体授权。Outlaw autonomous self-replicating robots unless granted specific authorization.

基昌的学院无法再持续运营,他四处探问讲师的任务。The chang college can't continue the operation, he was an outlaw the task of lecturer.

奥特洛电台已发现的大量的艰苦收集,出库在其打印歌曲。Outlaw Radio has a large collection of hard to find, out of print songs in its library.

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他流落到外环,开始和为非作歹的飞车党鬼混。He gravitated to the Outer Rim, where he eventually began racing with outlaw swoop gangs.

近十五年以来,这个骑着机车的歹徒一直是机车运动的主流形象。In the last fifteen years, the outlaw biker has been the dominant image for motorcycling.

新中国一成立便迅速采取有力措施禁娼。Immediately after its founding, New China adopted resolute measures to outlaw prostitution.

特拉维斯•奥特洛拿到22分,帮助开拓者在玫瑰花园球场取得了12连胜。Travis Outlaw added 22 points for the Blazers , who have won 12 straight at the Rose Garden.

劫富济贫、广受尊崇的侠盗罗宾汉,其传奇故事仍为人津津乐道。This is the tale of the famous English outlaw who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

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化身为佐罗猫侠的普斯首次登场时被看作是一位不法之徒。Playing a feline version of Zorro, Puss is considered an outlaw when we first meet up with him.

“亡人”的数量和流向,受多方面因素的影响。There are some factors that have the influence in the quantity and the flow-direction of the outlaw.

有交易商说非法精炼厂都用成袋的现金付给提供半成品的矿主。Traders say illegal refineries pay outlaw miners for semi-processed rare earth ore with sacks of cash.