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可是,很奇怪,我感到难以言表的幸福。But strangely, I was almost unnaturally happy.

那天,这些鸟瞰起来格外煞白。They looked unnaturally white, that day, those birds.

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文胸销售商表示,他们的顾客中很少有人是做过丰胸的。Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed.

她比我高几英寸,漂亮得简直违背了自然规律。She was several inches taller than I was, and unnaturally blond.

另外,影片中她那双不自然却又空灵的蓝色眼睛并没有破坏她的美丽。And yes, those unnaturally ethereal blue eyes in the movie don't hurt, either.

就算考虑到下雪,古老的塔林镇也安静得有点异常。EVEN allowing for snow, the medieval Old Town of Tallinn is unnaturally quiet.

男性角色将不再人为地扭曲自己的手腕时,发射弩。Male characters will no longer twist their wrists unnaturally when firing crossbows.

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某炼化厂烟气轮机一动叶片断裂引起停机事故。The blade of a gas turbine fractured and the unit stopped unnaturally in a refinery.

说谎的人会很不自然地保持双脚不动,以将人们的注意力从他们的谎话上转移开。Liars keep their feet unnaturally still to try to distract people away from their fibs.

“太晚了,”她说,她的冷酷的声音在房间里响着,她的眼神也不自然地闪着。It is too late,' said she, her voice sounding hard through the room, her eyes shining unnaturally.

如果你一定要以为他对我真有感情,那么,她们这样做法,便是既不近人情,又荒谬绝伦,我也就更伤心了。By supposing such an affection, you make every body acting unnaturally and wrong, and me most unhappy.

坐下不久,宁先生很不自然的点燃一支烟,偶尔猛吸一口。Not long after sitting down, Mr. Ning unnaturally lights a cigarette, occasionally fiercely taking a drag.

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例如,东日本楼公司的股价,在上个月非自然抬升。For example the stock price of the company Higashi Nihon House, has been rising unnaturally for the past month.

如果绳子再缩短一点,这会导致马驹必须让他的头保持一个不自然的高而且容易疲劳的姿势。If the rope were shorter, it would cause the foal to hold his head up in an unnaturally high, fatiguing position.

它们在对人体健康有害的激素和维生素的刺激下大批量、非正常地生长。They are forced to grow largely and unnaturally with steroids and vitamins which are unhealthy for any human to consume.

目前,一项新研究将非天然的土壤酸化添加到挑战列单上,这种酸化是过去30年中过度使用化肥引起的。Now, a new study has tacked unnaturally acidic soil onto the list, caused by excessive fertilizer use over the past 30 years.

当地消息来源形容仰光,这个国家的商业首都和最大城市,选举日气氛平静。Local sources described the mood on election day in Rangoon, the country's commercial capital and largest city, as unnaturally quiet.

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包括Cascades东部在内的干燥森林,对树木的砍伐和保护使它们成长得不自然的密集。Many drier forests, including here east of the Cascades, have grown unnaturally dense after logging and efforts to save them from wildfires.

海报上,中国模特儿那苍白不健康的笑脸扑入眼帘,旁边还写着一段承诺能让你白皙脸颊的广告词。On the poster, the smiling face of an unnaturally pale Chinese model greeted passers-by with an accompanying text promising a perfectly fair face.

只有更详细地观察才能揭露出它狰狞的外脸,发光的眼睛,以及不符合常理的长手臂和匕首似的手指——但通常那时以为时已晚。Only a closer examination reveals its snarling face, glowing eyes, and unnaturally long arms and dagger fingers — and by then it is usually too late.