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这样应当会在行星四周生成一个矩形选区。This should bring up a marquee around the planet.

狼现在已经成了黄石国家公园的招牌动物。Wolves are now the marquee animal in Yellowstone.

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艺术家们就住在这些大帐篷后面的移动拖车里。Artists live in such moving trailers that stand just behind a marquee.

绘制一个新的圆圈,并应用椭圆工将新的圆圈下方切掉。如下。Create a circle and chop the down-part using the Elliptical Marquee Tool.

能够了解选取框式球员,输赢记录和团队对抗。Be able to recognize marquee players, win-loss records, and team rivalries.

这115位超人气顶尖巨星不会演戏,不过访客可以和他们互动。The 115 marquee A-listers at the party can't act, but guests get to interact.

这些人认为,对Shaw公司来说,萨默斯是一位令同业称羡的发言人。Mr. Summers, these people say, was a marquee hire, a prized spokesman for Shaw.

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二十七是我的生日,我还要搭个棚呢,请请客。The twenty-seventh is my birthday, I plan to put up a marquee and throw a party.

这是一个利用汇编语言进行编写的跑马灯程序。This is a use of assembly language procedures for the preparation of the Marquee.

创建一个新层,选择单柱选框工具,然后点击一次您的布局。Create a new layer, select the Single Column Marquee Tool and click once on your layout.

跑马灯功能,支持完全自定义滚动模式,项目,外观等。Marquee features, fully support the custom rolling model projects, such as the appearance.

首页选取框。我想注册的用户能够张贴到滚动字幕的意见。Top page marquee. I want registered users to be able to post comments to scrolling marquee.

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下载这个拉丝金属质感,并选择椭圆选框工具,选择圆的面积。Download this brushed metal texture and select Elliptical Marquee Tool to select the circle area.

如果所学技能没有一项可以应用到工作中,取得大学学位又有什么意义?What's the value of a marquee college degree if none of the skills you learn are useful on the job?

被选定的幻灯片将出现一个矩形框并且它们的边框突出显示。A rectangular marquee appears and the selected slides are highlighted with a bold border around them.

线报称凯尔特人正进行控卫互换的相关内部讨论。The sources say the Celtics are having internal discussions regarding a swap of marquee point guards.

有些人怀疑,“周润发”这三个字若摆在达拉斯或丹佛市的电影院广告板上,能有多少吸引力。Some people wonder what lure the words Chow Yun-fat could have on a movie marquee in Dallas or Denver.

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选择椭圆选框东西在山群上方的某个位置画出一个圆。Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to create a circle somewhere above the mountains, around the sky area.

选择椭圆选框工具,然后在欢迎图片下方画一个椭圆。Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool, and then make an elliptical selection at the bottom of your welcome image.

滚石合唱团于1962年在伦敦成军,1962年的今日在天幕俱乐部举行他们的第一场演出。The Rolling Stones formed in London in 1962. Their first concert was at the Marquee Club on this date in 1962.