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我带着卷轴返回维洛司处。I have returned to Verus with the scroll.

银会员多人联机能玩咩?Can Silver profiles play verus multiplayer matches?

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潘瑟或帕加穆斯现在还坐在维勒斯的陵墓之侧吗?Does Panthea or Pergamus now sit by the tomb of Verus?

他把维鲁斯·安东尼从财务官提升为执政官。He made Verus Antoninus consul after his quaestorship.

我应该返回维洛司处,将烧毁的抄本交给他。I should return to Verus and show him the charred transcript.

维鲁斯的长相是人群中最好的比例,而且表情是温和的。Verus was well-proportioned in person and genial of expression.

让我们一起进入他的故事,与他一起经历寻求自由的生命历程。Discover Verus" story, live his journey and experience his quest for freedom."

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从祖父维勒斯那里,我学会了待人以善,也领会了克性守礼。FROM my grandfather Verus I learned good morals and the government of my temper.

从祖父维鲁斯那儿,我学到了好的道德和对自己脾气的控制。From my grandfather Verus I learned good morals and the government of my temper.

从我父亲的名声及对他的追忆,我懂得了谦虚和果敢。Courtesy and serenity of temper I first learnt to know from my grandfather Verus.

从我的祖父那里,我学到了良好的道德品质以及对情绪的自我控制。From my grand father Verus I learned good morals and the government of my temper.