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孩子间歇性斜视是什么病?What disease is child intermittence strabismus?

声音时断时续,我意识到那是雁鸣声。The voice intermittence , then I realize that it's honking.

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常表现为间歇性发冷、发热。Often displays for the intermittence feels cold, gives off heat.

这是一种间歇性厌食暴食症吗?。Is this disease of gluttony of anorexia of a kind of intermittence?

探讨间歇性外斜视的手术时机。To discussion the opportunity choice on the intermittence exotropia surgery.

束支阻滞可以是永久性的,也可以是间歇性的。Bundle the sluggish that raise block can be permanent, also can be intermittence.

字谜中的汉字修辞与顿读别解。Chinese character rhetoric of riddle and alterative interpretation of intermittence reading.

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由于风力的随机性和间歇性对电力系统稳定运行也产生了越来越大的影响。Random and intermittence of wind has more and more influence on the stability of power system.

观察和分析低度数儿童间歇性外斜视与其手术时机的选择。To observe and analyse the relationship between the operating time and the low degree intermittence exotropia in children.

研究发现,系统响应具有两条通向混沌的道路,即阵发性通向混沌的道路和拟周期通向混沌的道路。It is found that there are two routes leading the response to chaos, the intermittence to chaos and quasi-period to ch aos.

观察间歇性拔伸手法治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的疗效。To observe the effect of intermittence pulling up the neck on the patients with cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type.

当系统参数变化时,该系统可经过倍周期分岔进入混沌或产生阵发性混沌。The system evolves chaotic motions through period-doubling bifurcation or intermittence chaos while the system parameters vary.

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对间歇作业隧道窑蒸养钢筋混凝土制品的热工计算、喷嘴设计给出说明。The practical examples of thermal calculation and the design of the spray tube are given for the tunnel kiln of intermittence work.

该机用于病人心脏骤停时心脏胸外按压、间歇式周期正压充氧。电控气动,连续可调,交直流两用、可与救护车配套。The machine is applied to heart chest outside pressing when hearts. tops in a sudden, intermittence periodical pressure oxygen filling.

临床糖尿病肾病早期唯一的表现为蛋白尿,蛋白尿从间歇性逐渐发展为持续性。ClinicalDiabeticThe show with inchoate and only nephrosis is albuminuria, albuminuria develops gradually from intermittence for durative.

从中探讨建立一个城市交通高峰期干线车队流噪声理论模型。Based on the type that motor vehicles form a line, a model of vehicle distributions with same interval and same intermittence is proposed.

开顶箱内热力驱功的连续交换过程时常受到外部大尺度气团的入侵,从而表现出较强的间歇性。Continuous airflow was always interpreted by large scale eddies from top of OTC and showed high interactive intermittence at all directions.

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运用标度阶乘矩的方法,我们分析了相对收益的关联系数的分布,发现了其中的湍流现象。Using scaled factorial moment we investigate the distribution of correlation coefficients of the relative return and observe intermittence phenomenon.

风能、太阳能等可再生能源本身具有间歇性和波动性的特征,因而接入电网后将产生相应的功率波动。Since the wind energy, solar energy have the intrinsic intermittence and fluctuation, their integration into the grid will lead to the power fluctuations.

反之,启闭时声音不纯、动感涩滞,有中途间歇状态的声音则质量较差。Conversely, open the sound when shutting impure, move feeling acerbity sluggish, the voice that has midway intermittence state criterion quality is poorer.