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印度巨大的预算赤字就是这么跟“帮助穷人”扯上关系的。India’s huge budgetary deficit has much to do with “helping the poor”.

部门预算改革的一项主要内容就是基本支出的定员定额管理。Budget quota is one of the major contents of departmental budgetary reform.

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可对22个负担沉重国家2002-2007年期间的预算趋势进行评估。Budgetary trends over the period 2002–2007 can be assessed for the 22 HBCs.

预算外资金是我国财政体制改革过程中一个较为特殊的问题。Extra- budgetary fund is a rather special problem in China's financial reform.

然而从预算来看,这些节俭的举措所能产生的短期效果是有限的。In budgetary terms, however, the short-run impact of the measures will be limited.

设计概算质量的高低是提高投资效益的关键环节。The quality of budgetary estimate is important tache to enhance benefit of Investment.

在新泽西,一项巨大的养老金债务已成为州政府的预算噩梦。In New Jersey, a huge pension liability has created a budgetary nightmare for the state.

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出于预算的原因,从零开始对这些系统重新开发是糟糕的选择。For budgetary reasons, the redevelopment of these systems from scratch can be a poor option.

政府还增加了用于护理学教育的预算拨款,”她说。The government has also increased the budgetary allocation for nursing education,” she says.

泰国新任总理英拉-西那瓦正在酝酿新一轮的大规模的预算支出。Thailand's new prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, is contemplating another budgetary splurge.

某审计师发现,预算控制对销售费用进行了有效控制。The auditor found that budgetary controls were functioning effectively to control sales expenses.

选择润肤剂应考虑到预算的多少,以及是否容易供应。The choice of emollient should be made taking into account budgetary limitations and ease of supply.

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明确地,有许多工作台面的不同的材料能符合您的预算需要。Definitely, there are lots of different materials for countertop to meet your budgetary requirements.

全球健康圈内的很多人士担忧这些预算请求仍然不够。Many in the global health community are concerned that these budgetary requests are still not enough.

教育领域存在的国家财政性资金分为预算内资金与预算外资金。Financial funds in the field of education includes budgetary funds and extra-budgetary funds in china.

如果麦凯恩当选,他也会面临着美国持续纠缠于中东问题的财政预算的后果。He, too, if elected president, would face the budgetary consequences of US engagement in the Middle East.

文件对所有拟议计划活动的目标、效绩衡量指标和预算规划加以详细说明。This details objectives, performance measures and budgetary planning for all proposed program activities.

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结果表明,该方法能快速、准确、完整地实现工程概预算。Experiments show that this method is fast, accurate and complete to realize budgetary and budget estimate.

但是从智利到瑞士的经验都证明力正确的预算约束可以限制过度挥霍浪费。But experience from Chile to Switzerland suggests that the right budgetary girdles can restrain profligacy.

那么,如果这一关于预算的冒险政策和政治闹剧真的导致政府关门的话,下一步会发生什么事情呢?So if all this budgetary brinkmanship and political theater does lead to a shutdown, what will happen next?