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这是个令人恼火的解决方法,修补的优先级最高。Fixing this has top priority.

按沉重早钝排序的风险浑单。Sorted by priority list of risks.

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穿着打扮在意大利很重要。Dressing well is a priority in Italy.

我赌请求比你的优腥…I have priority over you in my claim.

我的请求比你的优先权力。I have priority over you in my claim.

灵修会比看电视更重要吗?Will devotions take priority over TV?

你方可在我方报盘方面享有优先权。You may enjoy priority in our offers.

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但我们先救老人和孩子。But kids and elders were our priority.

我们的优先级设置怎么了?What happened to our priority setting?

将一级预防作为重中之重。Make primary prevention a top priority.

请求用36R跑道优先着陆。Request priority landing at runway 36R.

节约为本,治污优先。Save for the pollution control priority.

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现在如果你申请了Gmail优先收件箱。So I give you your Gmail Priority Inbox.

“宠物是我们的头等大事,”宾得说。"Our priority is the pets," Binder said.

优先座位是给老弱妇孺的。Priority seats are reserved for the weak.

向访问分配一个优先权或者安全性。Assign a priority or severity to the call.

对我而言,每件事都是研究重点。For me, everything is a research priority.

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懂外贸英语者优先。Understand English foreign trade priority.

谁将是接种疫苗的优先重点?Who will receive priority for vaccination?

根除小儿痲痺等疾病是扶轮最优先的重点。Polio eradication is Rotary's top priority.