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你的签证已过期。Your visa has expired.

该签证是一个永居签证。This visa is permanent.

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你有拿到工作证吗?Did you get a work visa?

我的签证有效期只剩一天了。My visa expires in one day.

在中信银行支付签证费。Pay visa fee at CITIC bank.

签证下月到期。The visa expires next month.

申根签证的授权产品。Shengen visa authorize product.

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我的是一次性入境签证。I only have a single-entry visa.

正在那里可以办落地签?Where can I get visa on arrival?

你的配偶也会拿到一个H-4的签证。Your spouse will have a H-4 visa.

签证费每人250元人民币。Visa Fee of RMB 250 per applicant.

什么人应申请商务签证?Who may apply for a business visa?

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签证到期后怎样延长签证?How to extend a visa if it expires?

你一定要拿到签证才能去中国。You must get a visa to visit China.

维萨信用卡国际协会?。VIA? Visa International Association?

签证续签不再如以往般轻而易举。Visa renewals are no longer routine.

2001年8月玛依拉赴加拿大的签证办理好。Aug 2001, Mayila got Visa for Canada.

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他填写签证申请表。He fille in his visa application form.

明白了!这么说她已经有F-1签证了?。I see! So she already has an F-1 Visa?

你目前持有美国签证吗?Do you currently hold an American visa?