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咱俩是谁给谁讲?Who is the host here?

谁是世界媒体峰会的承办者?Who is the host of WMS?

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但是我想成为一名主持人。But I want to be a host.

他有好多朋友。He has a host of friends.

我们是安达仕的主人。We are the host of Andaz.

连接主机失败。Connection to host falled.

他是个令人赞赏的主人。He does the host admirably.

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房东为客人提供床铺。The host bedded his guests.

寄主植物种类。The species of host plants.

主人先动筷子。The host begins eating first.

他做东招待了我的朋友。He acted as host to my friends.

主人挺直了他的背。The host straightened his back.

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我觉得他偏向主队。I think he favors the host team.

主人会首先致祝酒词。The host offers the first toast.

2012年奥运会主办权花落谁家?Who will Host the 2012 Olympics?

你甚至可以举办自己的活动!You can even host your own event!

我不知道。他们需要一个新的主持人。I don't know. They need a new host.

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那你可以跟你的主人商量。That you may settle with your host.

主人给怀特先生斟了一满杯。The host filled Mr. White a bumper.

客方1——这是你首次与两位主方人员见面。Visitor 2 —You already know Host 1.