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刚吃了饭就开始倒立。Just dined began handstand.

他做了一个二指禅。He did a two-finger handstand.

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倒立会不会让血压过高?Can handstand make blood pressure exorbitant ?

她倒立踢腾腿时,我抓稳她的脚踝。I caught her ankles as she kicked into a handstand.

字支撑和手倒立需要极大的力量。The iron croos and the handstand both require great strength.

当我警告敌人时,会立起前足倒立。I stand on my front feet and do a handstand to warn my enemies.

倒立组却因为厌倦而放弃比赛。The handstand group gives up the contest because of the training fatigue.

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停机坪上的十二架敌方运输机被迫击炮弹击毁了。Twelve enemy transport aircraft on the handstand were knocked out by mortar shells.

到了片场,做我在健身房做的事后,我一向都知道——没什么能让你为实拍做好准备。You're going to make every kid in the world ask me, 'Hey can you do a finger-walking handstand?

梅根最终学会了倒立前翻,还学会了许多其它的技巧。Megan eventually did learn handstand forward rolls as well as many other skills—in her own time.

学习做一个倒立背越式是最好的动作分解成更小了下去做。Learning to do a back roll to a handstand is best done by breaking it down into smaller movements.

学习如何做手倒立自由泳飞盘运动在这个视频免费从一个角度捕捉世界冠军。Learn how to do freestyle Frisbee handstand angle catches from a world champion in this free sports video.

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生于意大利的罗马尼亚男孩朱利安诺今年4岁,因会“倒立行走”被写进吉尼斯世界纪录,成为“史上最强壮的男童”。Italian Romanian Juliano, 4, has set a Guinness World Record for the world's strongest boy by doing handstand walks.

双杠慢起肩倒立是体操中非常规动作,慢起肩倒立技术既表现了倒立项目特点,又是体操动作中重心移动和平衡的关键环节。Handstand by sitting with legs apart and rising shoulder slowly in parallel bars is an abnormal action of gymnastics.

如何在较短的时间内掌握全面的倒立功技术,并有较高质量,是比赛取胜的关键。Therefore, to master the handstand technology with high quality within a little time is essential for winning the match.

两名女孩和一名男孩甚至已经可以独立做后翻筋斗,但是麦格只是在倒立前滚翻。Two girls and a boy had even achieved back handsprings on their own. But Megan was still working on handstand forward rolls.

上课了,我先让孩子们做前滚翻、后滚翻、侧手翻以及倒立前翻。I started the class with forward and backward rolls, cartwheels and handstand forward rolls. The children had mastered this series months ago.

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引入模糊控制改善原有的线性控制算法,对二级倒立摆实验装置系统进行了二次开发。Based on a linear control algorithm, the property of a two-level handstand pendulum system is improved by introducing the fuzzy control strategy.

谢小诺特意化了妆去见戴骨顺,却看到蓝菲儿一幕,心里不爽却又没法表达,回家倒立解忧。Xie Xiaonuo specially made up to see a bone, only to see the blue and scene, not great but couldnt express in my heart, home handstand melancholy.

建立了倒立振子台车系统的数学物理模型,在此基础上完成了线性与非线性动力学计算,并对其进行了对比分析。A mathematical modeling of trolley system with handstand is both. The characteristics of linear and nonlinear dynamics are researched and analyzed.