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现在,为我们过去穷奢极侈的行为买单的时刻终于到了。The bill for our past profligacy has finally come due.

那么,为什么要求他们不生孩子来为我们的挥霍买单?So why ask them to pay in unborn children for our profligacy?

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亚洲人的节俭纵容了欧美人的挥霍。The Asians’ parsimony made the Anglo-Saxons’ profligacy possible.

还是说他们根本就只能匍匐于我们的挥霍无度?Or are they just kneeling at the feet of our wisdom of profligacy?

于是,一些反对大操大办之人渴望颁行印度食品安全法,以遏制这种铺张浪费行为。Party-poopers want India’s food security laws to curb such profligacy.

中国在助长美国的铺张浪费并从中获利后,现在却倒戈相向指责美国。The Chinese denounce American profligacy after promoting it and profiting from it.

自2000年以来,由经济繁荣带来的财政挥霍制造了欧元区金融管理高效的假象。The post-2000 boom in financial profligacy created an illusion of effective management.

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不少公司终于意识到自己太依赖信贷撑起的消费潮,但为时已晚。Many companies realised too late how much they had depended on credit-fuelled profligacy.

这个产业已经成为谎言、秘密以及浪费纳税人钱财的代名词。The industry became a byword for mendacity, secrecy and profligacy with taxpayers' money.

你存心拿玷辱门庭的婚姻来把忤逆和荒淫的杯子注满吗?You intend to fill up the cup of disobedience and profligacy by forming a low and disgraceful marriage?

这件事不仅仅是希腊人的挥霍无度和德国人的道德优越感之间的迎头怒撞。There is more to the story than an angry collision between Greek profligacy and German moral superiority.

但是从智利到瑞士的经验都证明力正确的预算约束可以限制过度挥霍浪费。But experience from Chile to Switzerland suggests that the right budgetary girdles can restrain profligacy.

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德国和欧盟的富裕的北方成员对希腊表示愤怒而不愿为其肆意挥霍买单。Germany and the EU’s wealthy northern members are furious at Greece and reluctant to pay for its profligacy.

欧委主席约瑟.曼纽尔.巴罗索表示,立法规则的新增权利可用来惩罚那些肆意挥霍的成员国。José Manuel Barroso, its president, said the rules would include new rights to fine members for fiscal profligacy.

我们也忘记了在英国,工党政府的浪费和无能总会将我们带到毁灭的边缘。We forgot too in Britain that Labour government profligacy and ineptitude will ever bring us to the point of ruin.

来自北京的观点认为美国人正在抱怨起自身肆意挥霍和错误判断的恶果。From Beijing's viewpoint, the Americans are complaining about the results of their own profligacy and bad judgment.

右翼人士抱怨他正在用钱挽救那些因自己肆意挥霍身陷困境的人。Right-wingers worry that he is using taxpayers’ money to save people from the consequences of their own profligacy.

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一些阿拉伯国家领导人意识到,如果要避免生态灾难,必须遏制对水和能源的浪费。A few Arab leaders recognise that water and energy profligacy must be curbed if ecological disaster is to be avoided.

挥霍应该是一种新式的审慎。但在长久以来一直把节俭当作一种不言而喻的美德的亚洲,这一观点还未盛行。Profligacy is the new prudence. But in Asia, where saving has long been a self-evident virtue, that message has yet to catch on.

这股潮流或许会逆转——既然美国已再一次被国民的肆意挥霍挫伤了元气。不过这也难说。Maybe the tide will reverse, now that America has been laid low yet again by the profligacy of its citizens. But don't bet on it.