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肯尼斯·尼尔森饰演马特。Kenneth Nelson is Matt.

马特是个例外。Matt was the exception.

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哈哈哈,哦麦特,别这么坏。Oh Matt. Don't be mean.

那是我的男朋友迈特。That's my boyfriend Matt.

这是我的哥哥,马修。This is my brother, Matt.

也许是没问题,马特叔叔说。Could be fine, said Uncle Matt.

这就是马特想要知道的。That's what Matt wants to know.

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听听看如何马特发现!Listen to see how Matt finds out!

蝙蝠纳特用力拍小昆虫马特。The bat Nat swat at the gnat Matt.

根据Matt的测试,其速度可以高达原先的26倍。Up to 26-times, according to Matt.

马特击败厄尔·盖洛并救回了路易莎。Matt fights El Gallo and saves Luisa.

麦特说他可以跟狗沟通。Matt said that he is a dog whisperer.

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经过马特时,我正架着他。I was carrying him when we passed Matt.

麦特和妻子住在乡下。Matt and his wife lived in the country.

所有的话都是马特.达蒙临时发挥的。All of this was ad libbed by Matt Damon.

你好,麦特。我正在玩跳格子。Hi, Matt. I'm playing the hopping numbers.

球应呈白色或橙色,且无光泽。The ball shall be white or orange, and matt.

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麦特很吝啬,讨厌花钱。Matt was very stingy and hated spending money.

麦特戴蒙约你出去的话,你会怎样?What would you do if Matt Damon asked you out?

马特·狄龙,索非亚科波拉和黛安,1983年。Matt Dillon, Sofia Coppola and Diane Lane, 1983