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这是祂的洪涛,有时为救我们They are HIS billows, whether for our succor

在短短的两小时内,韦布将军的救兵就可望到达。In two short hours we may look for succor from Webb.

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这些难民非常感激当局的救援。These refugees are very grateful to the governments succor.

这些难民非常感激政府的救援。These refugees are very grateful to the government's succor.

他们的救助方法就是放血或用冷敷布降温。Their succor amounted to a blood-letting and a few cold compresses.

联合国有一条公开的宗旨,就是要援助陷于苦难的国家。It is a stated purpose of the U. N. to succor countries in distress.

对中小投资者进行司法救济的关键在于民事诉讼救济。Civil action is the key to the judicial succor for medium-small investors.

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不用说,谁也不曾去认领,它对马白夫先生也一点没有帮助。It is unnecessary to say that no one claimed it, and that it did not succor M. Mabeuf.

化学品清单,化学品物质安全资料表,危险化学品事故应急救援预案和演练记录。List of all Chemical, MSDS, Dangerous Chemical Emergency Succor Plan and Drill Record.

这项听起来像科幻小说的意外发现可能真正地给哮喘患者提供帮助。The accidental finding that sounds like science fiction may actually offer succor to asthma patients.

该系统可在行车事故现场以人机交互方式提供一个或几个救援方案。The system could provide one or several accident succor protocols in on-site accident interact ively.

正当他把那垂死的人救到现阶段时,那军官的眼睛睁开了。When he had arrived at this stage of succor which he was administering to this dying man, the officer opened his eyes.

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因为确实有一种理论认为艺术的主要,功能是提供帮助与安慰,因为世界纷繁而痛苦,-对的。Because certainly there is a theory that art's main function is to provide succor and solace in this "vail of tears". -Right.

突出强调了“以人为本”的大安全观,提出“人-车-轨道-安全管理”的安全运营系统及应急救援体系相结合的对策。The safe operation system of "man-vehicle-rail-safety management" combined with emergency-response succor system is suggested.

结论重视灾前应急管理,有利于突发公共卫生事件的急救。Conclusions Attaching importance to lash-up nursing management before disaster is beneficial to the succor of common health accidents.

故事和电影传扬了早期手推车的样子事有有两个木制高轮,由看上去像是需要特蕾莎修女帮助的某人拉动。Stories and films celebrate a primitive- looking cart with high wooden wheels, pulled by someone who looks close to needing the succor of Mother Teresa.

而道路交通作为城市生命线的一部分,对应急时的人员疏散和紧急救援都起到至关重要的作用。Then, the road transportation system as a part of the lifeline system of city can make the significant effect of the evacuation and succor in emergency.

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分析列车救援工作业务流程,提出列车救援信息系统建设总体目标。Based on the project of Train Management Information System with Wuchang Railroad Department, it was analysis operation and flow chart of succor train in details.

国家烟草管理局员工感谢他几年前对他们的帮助,当时他借钱给这个资金匮乏的机构,以支付他们的工资。NTA employees thanked him for coming to their succor several years ago when he lent funds to the then cash-strapped agency to defray the payment of their salaries.

内部行政行为司法经济在遵循行政复议前置、程序性审查、有限的实体性审查等原则。Judicial succor for Inner-administration behaviors should abide by preposition of administrative reconsideration and programmed investigation examination of limited entities.