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这火焰,就是日珥。This flame is the prominence.

影片展示了这次显著的喷发。The movie shows the prominence erupting.

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它的威力可是比日珥大多了。Its power, but most of the more than prominence.

营销经理卓越工作手册②。Marketing handlers prominence service manual ii.

对如何测量角点凸性进行了详细介绍。A measure for the prominence of a corner is introduced.

第二天,这一同样的日珥看起来略微有些不同。The next day, the same prominence looked slightly different.

地球可以轻易地塞到右边那个日珥的下面空档里。The Earth would easily fit below the prominence on the right.

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各报都以相当显著的地位报道了那件事。The newspapers are giving the affair considerable prominence.

极力吹捧他们,将应得的荣耀归给他们,凸显他们的杰出地位。Give them the glory they so richly deserve. Lift them to prominence.

会议议程上的一项重要议题是婴儿保健。An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.

在“联系我们”页面的明显处放上给出你的地址。Give your physical address extra prominence on your "Contact Us" page.

他因为拒绝服从主席而顿然显赫一时。He came into prominence as a result of his refusal to obey the chairman.

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多年以后,他所认识的一名女子成为举世瞩目的人物。After many years, a woman he knew rose to a position of world prominence.

但是在1931年,月亮公园被毁,并且再也没有恢复往日的光辉。Luna Park was destroyed in 1931, and never really regained any prominence.

罗尔夫回到维吉尼亚之后,他取得了更杰出的成就。Upon Rolfe's return to Virginia, he assumed more prominence in the colony.

中华文明历来注重亲仁善邻,讲求和睦相处。The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to good neighborliness.

据一些科学家说,寻找显著性是与生俱来的生存技巧。According to some, seeking prominence is part of an inborn survival strategy.

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在上面视频中,我们可以看到5月30日发生的日珥现象。In the video embedded above, we see a solar prominence that erupted March 30.

我希望在下周的星期日泰晤士报上看到一个突出的头版新闻。I want a front page retraction – due prominence – in next week's Sunday Times.

日珥通常发生在色球层的,像太阳面的“耳环”。Prominence usually occurs in the chromosphere, such as solar surface "earrings."