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同谋使他们走到一齐,减弱比赛。Complicity makes them come together and attenuate the rivalry.

英国被指控串谋折磨囚犯事件使政府备受关注。The issue of alleged British complicity to torture is dogging the government.

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这一部分主要是介绍共谋共同正犯的一些基本理论。This is the main part of complicity on some of the basic common perpetrator theory.

文章最后为共犯关系的脱离者设立了罚则。Finally, this article establishes rules of punishment for the complicity relation departure.

私下同谋和双重标准是领导力的棺材钉。Personal complicity and double standards are the nails in the coffin of our ability to lead.

不要允许你们的政府掩盖真相,不要让他们在对你们的奴役中狼狈为奸。Do not allow earthly authorities to whitewash the truth and their complicity in your enslavement.

因共谋走私安非他明而被判五年有期徒刑的Dahl在这场辩论会上出尽了风头。Dahl, who is serving a five-year sentence for complicity in smuggling amphetamines, stole the show.

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法庭同时也判决科科尼亚斯的巡逻搭档萨拉里奥提斯在2008年12月的这次事件中犯有同谋罪。It also convicted Korkoneas' patrol partner Saraliotis of complicity in the December 2008 incident.

对非国家工作人员是否构成受贿罪共犯,国内外均存在肯定说与否定说之争。According to clauses in "criminal law", non-national officials may commit complicity of bribery crime.

同时也澄清了所有同谋指控,包括诽谤、交易失窃财产和违信。He was cleared on all counts of complicity to slander, dealing in stolen property and breach of trust.

虽然使用8051可以在C语言程序中嵌入汇编代码,但是复杂度明显提高。Though 8051 could embed assembly code at C-language programming, the complicity is obviously improved.

据BDO称,中国生物科技并没有寻求银行给他们的舞弊行为提供帮助,而是直接建设了一个伪造的银行网站。Rather than get the complicity of the bank, China-Biotics is alleged to have set up a fake bank website.

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他同时透露对Ashtiani共谋杀害她丈夫的审判正在进行中。"He also said Ashtiani's sentencing for alleged complicity in the murder of her husband is "in process."

教唆是一种特殊的犯罪方式,又是刑法制度上共同犯罪的一种分类。Instigation is a special mode of criminal act, as well as a category in the classification of complicity.

有许多理由,可以相信,维持男性的这个幻想,是我们参与共犯的一个举动。There is every reason to believe that to sustain this phantasy would be an act of complicity on our part.

突然,米切纳微微地翘起他脸上那一小细绺胡子会意地笑了。Suddenly, the graying pencil-line mustache on Michener's face stretched a little in Cheshirean complicity.

接著,我向她解释,我们是老朋友,多年的甘苦与共,浪迹江湖和同谋关系,已经使我们的友谊牢不可破。And then i explained to her how we were friends cinctured by years of embarrassment and travel and complicity.

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国会议员们不应再当众批评FDA雇员时而忽略了自己恰恰是同谋犯。No longer should our legislators be able to publicly excoriate FDA employees while ignoring their own complicity.

巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼坚称,任何对于巴基斯坦串通或者无能的指控都是荒诞的。Pakistan's PM Yousuf Raza Gilani has insisted that allegations of Pakistani complicity and incompetence are "absurd".

即使屠宰场隐密的藏在几百里外的地方,你只要吃了肉就等于是共犯的行为。Even if the slaughterhouse is concealed in the hundreds of miles, as long as you eat meat is tantamount to complicity.