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三年来,他秘密去看心理医生,为了不留下记录他甚至还用现金支付。For three years, he clandestinely saw a therapist, paying in cash so there would be no record.

然后,他们会拿这些信息与当地的报纸或秘密拦截的电话内容相互进行参照。They cross-reference it with the local newspaper or a clandestinely intercepted phone conversation.

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那该是一个暗恋你的人,他总是在任何时候都关注着你。He is the boy who leaves you clandestinely. He is always care for you and take notice of you at any time.

他们的目标是用穆斯林政府取代世俗民族主义阿拉伯领导,而且经常是在地下进行。Their aim was to replace secular and nationalist Arab leaders with Islamic governments, and they often operated clandestinely.

这些产品要么是从印度走私而来,要么是在尼泊尔暗地里制造出来,没有任何的质量控制或健康警语。These are either smuggled in from India or manufactured clandestinely in Nepal without any quality control or health warnings.

这是变着方地告诉美国政府应窃取美国人民的钱来还债。This is another way of saying the government should clandestinely steal the wealth of the American people to pay off its debts.

甚至在冷战结束和苏联解体之后,莫斯科与华盛顿之间仍在相互秘密监视。Even after the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union, Moscow and Washington keep tabs on each other clandestinely.

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之后很快,反对派的车辆驶入的黎波里,受到附近妇女的欢迎,她们向人们分发已秘密销售了数周的反对派的旗帜。Not long after, rebel vehicles rolled in and were greeted by neighborhood women, who distributed rebel flags they had been clandestinely selling for weeks.

警方周日宣称有六名嫌疑犯涉嫌秘密生产和销售三聚氰胺已被关押在在中国最大的乳业中心内蒙古自治区。Six people suspected of clandestinely producing and selling melamine were detained in Inner Mongolia, China's largest dairy center, the police there said Sunday.

在这一切的幕后,是一个非常不正规的由激进的伊斯兰教徒网络,这个网络便利了欧洲与中东、北非和巴基斯坦间的秘密接触。Supervising all this is a far more informal network of radical Islamists who facilitate contacts clandestinely from Europe to the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan.

在窃窃私语时人们还会提到本骇人的书,集一切歪理邪说之大成,给秘密散发到四面八方,这书的作者便是戈德斯坦。There were also whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies, of which Goldstein was the author and which circulated clandestinely here and there.

克劳利说,卡塔尼被确认为恐怖主义分子是因为他在也门和沙特阿拉伯开展地下活动的“基地”基层组织中间从事联络活动。Al-Qahtani was included in the terrorist designation because of his role as liaison between al-Qaida cells that operate clandestinely in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, Crowley said.

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私募基金是不经严格的注册核准程序、以非公开方式向少数机构投资者和有实力的个人投资者募集资金而设立的投资基金。Private placement Fund is one kind of investment funds, which is not through strict registration and collect capital in several invest institution and rich individual clandestinely.

由于工业企业治理污水的措施滞后,污水偷排、漏排和不达标排放现象屡见不鲜,从而导致江水中污染物浓度逐年升高。Due to the industrial corporation don't have as clear as a bellsteps to the water pollution father, the contamination let by clandestinely by seep and fall short are common occurance.

当将上面的内容作为密码时,执法官员发现了一个软件,此软件被间谍用来“加密数据信息,并将此加密信息秘密嵌入公共网络的照片中”。When they used that as a password, the G-Men found a program that allowed the spies "to encrypt data, and then clandestinely to embed the data in images on publicly available websites."

宽中可否继续向华社募捐而私底下的转变自身成为英语倾向的学校,却穿上华文教育的外衣?Can Foon Yew continue to clandestinely transform itself into an English-oriented school with the financial contribution of the Chinese community, while dressed up in the garb of Chinese education?

有足够的怀疑伊朗的核意图的担心,伊朗和北韩,即使不发动自杀核袭击,将秘密向恐怖分子提供核武器。There is enough suspicion about Iran's nuclear intentions to fear Iran and North Korea, even if they don't launch suicidal nuclear attacks, will clandestinely provide terrorists with nuclear weapons.