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蒙默思?就在拐角处,那个地方我真的很喜欢。Monmouth? Just down the corner, which I really love.

陆军雷达的研制由位于新泽西蒙默思堡的侦察部队实验室领导。Army radar development was led by the Signal Corps Laboratory in Fort Monmouth , New Jersey.

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在科罗内尔角海战中,英国海军被击败,“好望角”号和“蒙默思”号装甲巡洋舰被击沉。The British ships Good Hope and Monmouth were sunk by the Germans, at the Battle of Coronel.

在怀河的两岸散布著罗马和中世纪时期著名的建筑。By the banks of the River Wye , Monmouth has historic connections with early Roman and medieval times.

从1917年到1957年,新泽西的福特蒙茅斯被用作饲养和训练这些鸟类战士的基地。From 1917 to 1957, New Jersey's Fort Monmouth served as the breeding and training ground for these avian soldiers.

所以在2003年,她创办了杰森·大卫·凯恩基金会,来帮助她所居住的孟莫斯郡所有遭遇不幸的家庭。So in 2003, she started the Jason David Cayne Foundation toassist families in Monmouth County, N.J., where she lived.

1956年,蒙莫斯学院获得州政府授权招收四年制本科生。In 1956, Monmouth College was accredited by the state to offer four-year programs leading to the baccalaureate degree.

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蒙默思MBA课程提供一个高层次的研究生教学的成功的商业管理人员和专业人员。Monmouth MBA program provides a high level of graduate instruction for successful business managers and professionals.

蒙默斯大学工商管理学院是唯一位于取得迅速的进步在这个千年。Monmouth University's School of Business Administration is uniquely situated to make rapid strides in this millennium.

今天,蒙莫斯大学拥有31个学士学位授予点和20个硕士学位授予点。Today Monmouth University offers 31 undergraduate and 20 graduate degree programs and a multitude of certificate programs.

蒙茅斯大学的MBA项目提供了一个成功的商业管理人员及专业研究生教学的高水平。Monmouth University's MBA program provides a high level of graduate instruction for successful business managers and professionals.

两位考古学家都引用了12世纪的修道士蒙茅思的杰弗里曾说过的话,石头当时被认为具有医学疗效。Both archaeologists quoted the 12th-century monk Geoffrey of Monmouth as saying the stones were thought to have medicinal properties.

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对个体如何运用婚姻关系来积淀知识与经验进行了研究,这一过程被称为“自我扩展”。a professor at Monmouth University in New Jersey, have studied how individuals use a relationship to accumulate knowledge and experiences, a process called “self-expansion.

在新泽西斯县,一名警察告诉NBC“今天的秀”由于在斜坡上的汽车堵住了扫雪车的路线,两辆大巴被困住了。In Monmouth County, N. J. , two passengers buses were stuck after stranded cars on ramps blocked the path of snow plows, a state police spokesman told NBC's "The Today Show."

这块殖民地在美国革命战争中具有战略性重大意义,是几个主要战争的战场,包括特伦顿、普林斯顿和蒙茅斯战役。The colony was strategically important in the American Revolution and was the site of a number of major battles, including the engagements at Trenton, Princeton, and Monmouth.

Jr.一位新泽西州蒙茅斯大学教授,研究个体怎么运用一个关系去积累知识和经验,这个过程成为“自我扩张”。Lewandowski Jr. , a professor at Monmouth University in New Jersey, have studied how individuals use a relationship to accumulate knowledge and experiences, a process called “self-expansion.