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我想她就是适合我的人。I think she is the one forme.

你能替我兑现这张支票吗?Can you cash this check forme?

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我知道你没有做到这一点对我来说。And I know you didn't do it forme.

你能告诉我煤是怎样形成的吗?Can you tell me how coal was forme?

我生病时王太太照应我。Mrs. Wang did forme during my illness.

我的那个她,还在某个角落等待着我。Mine was still out there waiting forme.

我很感激你对我所做的事。I'm very grateful for what you did forme.

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嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲。Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song forme.

今天是情人节,对我来说是一个没有情人的情人节。Today is Valentines Day, it's a One Person's Valentines Day forme.

这些算数难不住我,因为我总能记住数字。They couldn't come too fast forme. I have always remembered figures.

我很高兴来到了美丽的枫叶之国。It is a great pleasure forme to come to this picturesque land of maples.

政党的左翼组成与反动势力斗争的统一战线。The parties of the leave have forme a common front to fight the force of reaction.

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面部小血管瘤及脐上裂——PHACES综合征的顿挫型?。Small facial haemangioma and supraumbilical raphe- A forme fruste of PHACES syndrome?

印刷滚筒和印版辊设悬臂式、脱合调压简单可靠。Printing cylinder and forme roller are cantilever type, which are easy to clutch and adjustable pressure.

他认为,当价格骤降让拥有一台大屏幕电视突然成为可能时,我的想法发生了改变。He believes the shift in my mind occurred when dropping prices suddenly made a big-screen TV a real possibility forme.

但在公开场合,如上海全印展、北京国际展览还见不到成形的印刷检测版。In the public, such as Shanghai print exhibition, Beijing print exhibition, we haven't found an integrated print test forme.

每组印刷着墨辊采用单独电机控制,控制简单、操作灵活。Each group of ink forme roller equipped with individual AC motor freq. converter drive with easy control, flexible operation.

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在所有这些联系中,最紧密的联系就是“郑州”和“巧克力”,郑州对于我来说就是一个遍地都是巧克力的欢乐园。Among all these connections, Zhengzhou and chocolate was the strongest one and Zhengzhou became a wonderland full of chocolate forme.

周末我经常和孙子们玩电子游戏机,周末对我来说是美好的,因为它让我享尽天伦之乐。I often play computer games with my grandsons at weekends. Weekends are sweet forme because it lets me enjoy the happiness of family reunion.

结果伴有亚型转化的病人平均复发次数高于非亚型转化病人,但生存时间较长。Results The recurrence rate of the patients with subtype exchanging was higher than that of the patients without subtype exchanging, but the forme lived longer.