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个体性思想是理解尼布尔整个思想体系的一个关键所在。The conception of individuality is the key to understand the whole system of Reinhold Niebuhr's thought.

42岁的意大利登山家莱茵霍尔德-梅斯内首次完成该目标。The first person to scale all 14 peaks was Italian Reinhold Messner, who completed the task in 1986 at age 42.

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德国的雷诺德福士,接手他父亲的螺丝业务,建立了一个紧固件帝国。Germany’s Reinhold Wurth, who took over his father’s screw business, built an empire of all kinds of fasteners.

梅斯纳尔作为顶级的登山家和真实的攀登英雄,将继续在21世纪激励新一代攀登者。Reinhold Messners memory as a top mountaineer and a true climbing hero will continue inspire generations of climbers into the 21th century.

有学者认为新保守派师承列奥·施特劳斯,也有学者指出莱茵霍尔德·尼布尔是新保守派的教父。Some believe Leo Strauss is neoconservatives Godfather, while others put much emphasis on Reinhold Niebuhr s influence on neoconservatives.

莱茵霍尔德。斯特凡恩斯说,巴西政府正在提高用蔗糖生产乙醇的产量,但不会妨碍为增加粮食生产所做的努力。Reinhold Stephanes says his government is boosting Brazil's output of ethanol made from sugar without hindering efforts to increase food production.

这份草案有很多Bug和不完善之处,毫无疑问,我们可以通过各种方式改进它“。There are numerous bugs and missed corner cases in this draft and, no doubt, even more numerous ways in which it can be improved," Reinhold suggests.

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本文旨在从政治神学的高度,对莱因霍尔德?尼布尔的神学思想进行深入而全面的研究,论证尼布尔的政治神学的新自由主义性质。This dissertation aims to prove that Reinhold Niebuhr's theology belongs to neo-liberalism by deeply and wholly studying from perspective of political theology.

Reinhold推测合并后的VM将使用JRockit的垃圾回收器与服务功能,使用HotSpot的运行时编译器与混合的运行时系统。Reinhold speculated that the merged VM could have the JRockit garbage collector and serviceability, with the HotSpot runtime compiler and a mixed runtime system.

虽然莱因霍尔德博格纳开始设计和建设之前离开美国在1989年德国放大器长,他的事业真正起飞后不久抵达洛杉矶。Though Reinhold Bogner began designing and building amplifiers long before leaving Germany for the U. S. in 1989, his career really took off soon after arriving in Los Angeles.

Reinhold向InfoQ表示说委员会的目标是在这延长的一年到期之前发布新的章程,还有两个空缺也会尽量在最近四个星期内找到合适的人选。Reinhold told InfoQ that the Governance Board aims to deliver the new constitution before the next one-year extension runs out, and that the two remaining seats will be filled within four weeks.