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现实与理想之间总有那么大的差异。There always have much dissimilitude between praxis and ideality.

在这种情况,会有相对于理想情况的正的偏离。And this is a case where there's a positive deviation from ideality.

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由此可见,理想与乌托邦之间有重要的区别。This goes to show that there is a vital difference between ideality and utopia.

记忆没有重量,它却可以鼓舞人在理想的空间飞翔。Memory whit no weight, but can encourage people to soar in the space of ideality.

而时下,民主作为一种理想,已为世人所普遍接受。Today, the democratic is a ideality which has been accepted by everybody in the world.

从古代到近代,大同社会理想一直是中华民族长期追求的梦想目标。The Chinese nation earnestly longs for Great Harmony ideality from ancient to modem times.

“侠者乌托邦”理想性的存在,亦促进了侠客“江湖”意识的形成。Existence of the ideality also serves to promote the forming of the ideology of the wide world.

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孟子理想中的圣人是要能够把儒家的王道理想推行于天下的人。The sage in Mencius' theory must try his best to realize the kingcraft ideality of Confucianism.

这一价值取向具有丰富而深刻的内涵,为我们树立了理想追求的楷模和典范。This tropism is blessed with rich and deep connotation and sets us an example and model of our ideality.

领导的人格、企业的机制、共同的理想是企业凝聚力的关键。The characters of leaders, mechanisms of enterprise, common ideality are the cohesive force in enterprise.

只有在社会进步的整体发展中实现了文化发展的有机性、整体性、共同性和理想性,才能实现文化融合。The human culture is fused only when all the parts of it have organization, totality, intercommunity and ideality.

对于心中的理想,我拥有力量去拼搏,却不知道这力量具体要往哪拼搏才能出成果。For my ideality in my heart, I have power to fight, while I don't know how I can fight could bring me a good result.

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在此基础上,揭示他的社会理想以及他对物化的批判所具有的现实价值。Grounded on it, I will clarify the practical value of Marcuse's social ideality and his criticism about reification.

独具匠心、别具一格就是对“红一格”最好的诠释,她是充满活力、创造力和理想的革命团队。RedUnique, special and particular design and style, it is a work team which full of energy, creativity and ideality.

可编程的对不理想因素纠正的特性可用于任何一个与处理器结合的对不理想因素处理的二极管。Programmable non- ideality factor correction can be used for any diode non- ideality factor associated with any processor.

图论主坐标分析是分析人类群体遗传结构的一种理想方法。The graph theory principle coordinates analysis is an ideality method for studying the human population genetic structure.

庄子这种以生死相通来反观现实人生的哲学对于今天的我们仍有一定的参考价值。On the basis, Zhuangzi brings forward the ideality ambit, The life philosophy has some reference value about our modern study.

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在社会主义初级阶段,人的自由全面发展具有现实性、理想性、相对性的特点。At the socialistic primary stage, people's free entire development inheres the features of practicality, ideality and relativity.

主人公形象“艺术-文本化”生存的幻灭使得他的审美理想和社会理想获得了价值确认。The disillusion of the "art- textual " survival of the hero image makes the value of his esthetic and social ideality recognized.

我没有勇气再次走进高考的考场,上大学的理想就此成为遥不可及的梦想。I was too scared to enter examination room for college entrance examination again. Therefore, my ideality becomes a reachless dream.