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我的名字叫伊莱亚斯。My name is Elias.

但别人说,是以利亚。Others said, That it is Elias.

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还有人说他就是伊莱亚斯呢。There are those who say he is Elias.

此后我问伊莱亚斯有关他家里的情况。Later, I asked Elias about his family.

自从伊利亚先知之后,从未有人见过上帝。No man hath seen God since the prophet Elias.

这个省有许多人死去。Many people died in the province, " says Elias Pacco."

先知伊利亚之后无人再见过上帝。There is no man who hath seen God since the prophet Elias.

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忽然有摩西,以利亚,向他们显现,同耶稣说话。And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.

自从先知伊利亚到如今,已经过去三百年了。It is more than three hundred years since the days of the prophet Elias.

他们就问耶稣说,文士为什么说,以利亚必须先来。And they asked him, saying, Why say the scribes that Elias must first come?

约翰恩斯特埃利亚斯老婆是出生或村周围齐,德国。Johann Ernst Elias Bessler is born in or around the village of Zittau, Germany.

然而,在君士坦丁堡和亚历山大,他的支持,并埃利亚斯被废黜。However, at Constantinople and Alexandria he was supported, and Elias was deposed.

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旁边站着的人,有的听见就说,看哪,他叫以利亚呢。And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias.

别担心,吉诺。你的地盘会比在以利亚手下时大得多。Don't worry so much, Gino. You'll have more territory than you ever did under Elias.

站在那里的人,有的听见就说,这个人呼叫以利亚呢。Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias.

身为鼓手的伊莱亚斯是乐队中唯一一位在斯德哥尔摩出生的成员。Elias is the drummer of Los Pelados, and the only band member who was born in Stockholm.

Elias说下一个规划必须有更广泛的视野并考虑到下一个10年。Elias said the next plan must have a broader scope and take the next ten years into account.

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在中东局势紧张的时刻,黎巴嫩总统埃利亚斯·赫拉维正在白宫。President Elias Hrawi of Lebanon was at the White House at a tense moment in the Middle East.

在圣埃利亚斯国家公园成立20年后,这里的很多山峰还未被命名——也无人攀登。Elias National Park remain unnamed-and unclimbed-more than 20 years after the park was established.

你们岂不晓得经上论到以利亚是怎吗说的呢。Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying