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你可以叫我贝斯。You can call me Beth.

贝丝,嫁给我,好吗?Will you marry me, Beth?

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我得到了一枚硬币!I've got a cion! " said Beth."

我在伯亚弗拉滚于灰尘之中。In Beth Ophrah roll in the dust.

我们和贝思一起去猎狐狸吧。Let us go fox-hunting with Beth.

在贝丝八岁时她就去世了。She passed away when Beth was eight.

乔立即认为贝丝已经死了。Immediately Jo thought Beth was dead.

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她坐在高高的单杠上哭起来。Beth sat high on the monkey bars crying.

米契称赞贝丝的新鞋。Mitch complimented Beth on her new shoes.

贝丝和乔许刚抵达瑞士。Beth and Josh just arrived in Switzerland.

于是我们住在伯毘珥对面的谷中。So we stayed in the valley near Beth Peor.

“我要送些镶边小手帕,”贝思说。"Some handkerchiefs, all hemmed , " said Beth.

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玛丽.贝思不会感到累了,史蒂文不会疲于奔命了Mary Beth won't be tired. Steven won't be rushed.

与此同时,康奈利史提夫有一个信息为伯。Meanwhile, Steve Connelly has a message for Beth.

有时贝丝甚至认不出来她的姊妹。Sometimes Beth did not even recognize her sisters.

快看,我朋友贝斯就是跟那辆车约会。Oh, look. That's the car my friend Beth was dating.

我正想使玛丽。贝思看起来漂亮点,史蒂文。I'm just trying to make Mary Beth look good, Steven.

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只有汉娜和班医生了解她的病情严重。Only Hannah and Dr. Bangs knew that Beth was very sick.

“我想用自己的钱给她买一双,”贝思说。"I thought I'd get her some with my dollar, " said Beth.

迪安与贝丝继续在蒂华街闲逛。Dean and Beth continue their exploration of Tihua Street.