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分析其各种类型的CT表现和不同术式的选择及术中所见。Diversified CT analysis and choice different operation quomodo and display of operation were analyzed.

美学家在世界不断裂变的形势中,以批判作为对人类生存意义守护的方式。In the metamorphic world, the estheticians use critic as the quomodo for guarding the meaning of human.

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利用毛细管放电激励产生软X光激光,是实现台式软X光激光的主要方案之一。Capillary discharge soft-X-ray laser is one of the crucial quomodo to realize table-top soft-X-ray laser.

液化石油气不易被压燃,因此本实验采用组合燃烧的方式。The LPG is not peace to compression ignite, so we use combinational combustion quomodo in our experiment.

但是邓正来先生并没有直接回答“中国法律理想图景”是什么这一问题,而是采取了一种“否定性”的建构方式。He doesn't answer what "China's legal ambition prospect" is directly, but adopts a "negativity" building quomodo.

利用桑塔格的“坎普”的阐释来解说,它还是一种感觉方式和感受力。Utilizing the explanation which is called "Kamp" written by Sontag to explain, it is even a quomodo with a feeling.

他们用各种面目,不同方式,任意时间出现,试图阻挡你前进的道路。They are diversified appearance, different quomodo and all the time be able to happen, Motive is that countercheck you.

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CIMS代表着一种先进的生产方式,在我国大多数企业中还远远没有实现。CIMS is a representative of advanced productive quomodo. CIMS has not been accomplished yet in most enterprises in China.

为了实现照明节约用电,同时易于管理照明系统,需要改变传统的照明控制方式。To economize lighting electricity and manage lighting system easily, the control quomodo of lighting system should be changed.

用典,是引用修辞方式的一种,指的是运用典故来表情达意。Citing allusion is a kind of rhetoric quomodo of adduction, which means expressing ones sentiment and sense by citing allusion.

美学家在世界不断裂变的形势中,以批判作为对人类生存意义守护的方式。In the metamorphic world, the estheticians use critic as the quomodo for guarding the meaning of human. But appearance of modern capitalism has greatly changed.

中国在改革开放过程中,打破了不少旧的思维壁垒,接纳了一些新的经营方式,给很多企业家不少施展的空间。In the course of Chinese innovation, the Chinese people have broken many old idealistic vallum, admitted some new working quomodo , and given many entrepreneurs many working space.

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劳动争议是伴随着资本主义生产方式的发展,以及各国政府行政权力的干预而从民事纠纷中独立出来的一种社会纠纷形态。Labor dispute is a kind of social dispute which goes with the development of capitalistic producing quomodo and the interference of the governmental administration in most country.

深入分析了业绩评价系统如何与企业的战略目标相结合,并制定出将战略转化为可操作手段的方法和步骤。Then this paper deeply analyzes that how to make the performance evaluation system incarnate the strategic goal, and make the detailed quomodo and step to achieve the strategic goal.

建立的模型可用来预测混合边界条件下的添加剂迁移,给出了食品包装中添加剂迁移的解决方案,简化了迁移的研究手段。The models can be utilized to predict migration of additives having mixed boundary conditions, developed as a total solution food package for migration problems, predigested research quomodo.