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在我们是农业国家的时候,所有的车子都是卡车。When we were an agrarian nation, all cars were trucks.

当然,从信息时代退回到农耕时代是不可能的。Of course, there is no going back to the agrarian past.

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当时,美国基本上是一个农业社会。The United States was largely an agrarian society then.

第二阶段,即土地革命战争的阶段。The second stage was the War of the Agrarian Revolution.

他关于土地问题的权威著作至今仍然适用。His magisterial work on the agrarian question is still valid.

这就是玻利维亚农业革命的独特之处"。That's what makes the agrarian revolution in Bolivia different.

土地革命战争时期开始的标志是什么?Mark the beginning of the Agrarian Revolutionary War What is this?

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专家认为,正在逼近的问题是,马利仍然是个耕地的社会。The looming problem, experts noted, is that Mali remains an agrarian society.

农业税的取消,标志着中国从农业社会迈入了工业社会。This move marks the transition of China from an agrarian to industrial society.

这个单独的家庭住宅位于靠近帕米拉的农业平原之上。This single-family detached house is located in an agrarian plain near Palmela.

同时,对湖南的土地革命也有着深远的影响。Furthermore, it exerted a profound influence on the Agrarian Revolution of Hunan.

国民党是反对土地革命的,因此没有农民的援助。It opposes the agrarian revolution and therefore has no support from the peasantry.

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回顾历史,许多农耕文化都有庆祝丰收节的传统。Throughout history, many agrarian cultures have celebrated end-of-harvest festivals.

而且在印度这样一个拥有十几亿人口的农业国家,土地资源也极其稀缺。And in India, an agrarian country with a billion-plus people, land is dreadfully scarce.

一些人指责奴隶制为南方禁锢于落后时代的低效的农业经济。Some blamed slavery for fastening a backward, inefficient agrarian economy on the South.

凡是能想象到的农业革命前的生活都能在这里重现。Anyone who has imagined what life was like before the agrarian revolution can find out here.

在农业社会,他们不会选择裸体日光浴,并不认为把自己晒黑是一种时尚。They would not go nude sunbathing as getting tanned was not in vogue in an agrarian society.

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“增长的极限”没有能力模拟出农耕时代进入工业社会的自然发展过程。The Limits to Growth cannot mimic the emergence of the industrial evolution from the agrarian age.

1982年的农户土地承包以“均田制”和“分田制”为主。The main agrarian contract styles in 1982 are land assignment system and equal distribution system.

非法斗争的最高形式是武装斗争,是游击战争的开展。And this armed struggle was the peasant agrarian revolution under the leadership of the proletariat.