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所以我注定了也是一个戏子。So I'm fated to be an actor.

我命里该死呢,您瞧!You see that I am fated to die! Leave me!

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监管者们是命中注定要迟一步的。The rule-makers are fated to be one step behind.

不过我们现在都还活着,我们命不该绝。But since we’re still alive, we must be fated to live.

宾克就命中注定该悲惨地死去,或许,预兆指的是他的某些敌人?Was Bink fated to die brutally-or was some enemy of his?

这是意大利人在05年美国站以来的再一个杆位。It was the Italian's first pole since the fated Indianapolis race in 2005.

她们说,“这是命中注定的,他必死于一条鳄鱼,或一条蛇,或一只狗。It is fated that he must die either by a crocodile, or a serpent, or by a dog.

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他的父母认为这是命里注定的婚姻,同意他们结婚。Her parents, deciding that this was a fated love, gave their permission for a wedding.

这是否意味着所有的转基因食品注定永远不会解决穷人的营养不足?Does this mean that all GM foods are fated never to solve the undernutrition of the poor?

去相信缘分天定,我敢肯定时候一到,我命中的爱人就会出现。I believe in love fate, so I am sure when it comes, my fated lover will definitely appears.

也许罗密欧与茱莉叶真的是命定的一对,但缘分短暂,能在一起的时间很少。Maybe Romeo and Juliet were fated to be together, but just for a while, and their time passed.

也许罗密欧和茱莉叶命运注定会在一起,但是只是一阵子,然后他们的时间就过去了。Maybe romeo and juliet were fated to be together, but just for awhile, and then their time passed.

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我们跨越了那么多的不可能,注定幸福地和东方文化精神缘在一起!We have crossed so much impossibilities and we are fated to be along with oriental culture spirit.

但即使你错失家庭的快乐基因而遗传了负面情绪的基因,也不等于你就注定会一辈子忧郁。But even if you inherited the family frown instead of joy genes, you're not fated to a life of gloom.

封建主义必然诞生资本主义,而资本主义必将走向社会主义。Feudalism was fated to give birth to capitalism, andcapitalism will inevitably give way to socialism.

约翰•康纳,他注定要领导人类抵抗天网及其终结者军团。John Connor is the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators.

告诉您自己,你必须锻炼这样的意识在设定的时间完成虐待是注定的。Telling your self that you HAVE to workout for a set time to feel a sense of completion is ill fated.

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普里阿摩斯的女儿,有预知未来的能力但被阿波罗命定不为世人所信。The daughter of Priam who endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.

或者或许是平易近主很难参加贫民地点的渡渡和年夜陆东部丛林?Or is perhaps democracy fated to join the poor dodo and the forests of Easter Island in the land of extinction?

有些人认为不值得付出这样的努力──他们说我们注定要有分歧,文明的冲突在劫难逃。Some suggest that it isn’t worth the effort -- that we are fated to disagree, and civilizations are doomed to clash.