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杰斯,我是基督迈克艾顿。Jess, this is Christ Michael Aton.

艾顿微微一笑,把他的牌放到了桌子上。Aton just smirked and laid his cards on the table.

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艾顿告诉他午夜钟声敲响时会结束。Aton told him by the stroke of midnight it would be over.

我是克里斯特。迈格尔。安顿,我为我的话负责。I am Christ Michael Aton and I give approval to these my words.

我是克里斯特。迈克尔。安顿。我在我的话语之上加上我允许。I am Christ Michael Aton and on these words I place my approval.

艾顿伸手进入他胸前的口袋,往桌上扔出又一张牌。Aton reached into his chest pocket and threw one more card on the table.

我是阿顿,这是到目前为止更新后的消息。This is all for now. I am Aton and will provide a further update later on.

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艾顿悄悄进入‘小疯狗’的卧室,吓了‘小疯狗’个半死。Aton slipped into lil' Mad Dog's bedroom and scared him half to death, too.

他说艾顿甚至可以用他自己的牌,只要它没被标记。He said that Aton could even use his own deck, as long as it wasn't marked.

通过AIS信息21,AIS航标可以将浮标的实际位置直接播发出去。Using the AIS message 21, AIS AtoN may broadcast own accurate position in existence.

但艾顿在夜间悄悄进入小镇,在‘疯狗’的卧室直接现身。But Aton slipped into town during the night and showed up right in Mad Dog's bedroom.

但艾顿在夜间悄悄进入小镇,在‘疯狗’的卧室直接现身。But Aton slipped into town during the night and showed up right in Mad Dog's turn intodroom.

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这样,太阳神阿托恩成为埃及国内惟一得到认可并信奉的神灵。By this ACT, Aton became in prACTice sole recognized god, and his worship a form of monotheism.

她告诉人们如果他们愿意将他们的牌交给艾顿,那么他们就应该大声呼唤他,他会找到他们的。She said that if they wanted to give their cards to Aton then they should call out so he could find them.

国王和王室成员能够崇拜太阳神,但人民必须崇拜法老——神圣的国王。The king and his family could worship Aton but the people were meant to worship the pharaoh- the god-king.

艾顿在日落时到达,治安官也来了,但‘小疯狗’一再拖延,直到不能再拖了。Aton arrived at sundown, along with the sheriff, but lil' Mad Dog stalled and stalled until he couldn't stall anymore.

艾顿笑着说。“他们是我的会计,他们会记录你做的每件事,自从你出生之前。Aton said, smiling. 'They're my accountants and they can account for everything you've done since before you were born.

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航标是航道的基础助航设施,直接影响船舶的航行安全。AtoN is the basic establishment of the sea-route for assisting navigation straightly effecting on the safety of shipping.

通过仿真实现了在网络环境下,客户端基站与服务器端航标管理部门的单向通信。Through the simulation unilateral communication is implemented between client base station and sever AtoN manage department.

来自基督迈克艾顿的、对你们所感知的一切所给经验和确认,会使你们的定义感加以完善,事实上,这些经验和确认是真实的。Your sense of definition is refined by experience and affirmation from Christ Michael Aton that what you perceive is, in fact, what is true.